is bobgoblin shmexy yes or no
@The_Happy_Panda Number 2 sells drugs behind the good will
@The_Happy_Panda hell no.
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi b-b-b-but bobbbbbyyyyy-
@Shadow yes i know he is a drug dealer
@The_Happy_Panda n o.
@Shadow his nick name is “Bobby the drug dealer.”
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi y e s .
@The_Happy_Panda No it should be “Bobby has a bad hobby”
Who’s even bobgoblin
@Shadow no cuz its a nick name duh
@The_Happy_Panda hah, alright
@The_Happy_Panda OMG YAS!
@The_Happy_Panda HE IS THO LMAO
fuck you
popo fuck you to.
@The_Happy_Panda u like shit