idk anymore.
who wants to cry too?
zofya406 me…
zofya406 me :D/ its normal for me but I rarely ever do it
zofya406 alr did…
@Sorry-Its-Sage I’m trying so hard to not cry rn
bro why do u guys even complain to ppl online? im so confused on that XD
@Izzyyyyyyy I just wanted to get my feelings off my chest because I can’t talk to anyone in my life, so you should respect that or you can get off of my post and mind your own business. You never know what people are going through and you don’t know if what you say will affect them negatively, so you should think about that before responding to a post like this.
@Izzyyyyyyy ._.
zofya406 Well this for sure doesn’t give you a reason to seek attention online. And its shocking how u said “mind your own business” Cuz like why are u saying this but posting things online for ppl to see?? XD
zofya406 me, normal times
@Izzyyyyyyy can u leave her alone?
@Sorry-Its-Sage Sorry,i’m just telling the truth.
@Izzyyyyyyy Just because I cope with my problems in a different way than you do doesn’t give you a reason to judge me. Also I am not seeking attention I just asked a simple question, I only tell my problems to one person on here because he listens to me and he wants to help me. Now if you don’t want to spread positivity on this post then you can get off and leave me alone.
zofya406 Ok, First of all, I was never judging you, i just ask a simple question and for some reason you got offended. And Yes, you are seeking attention. Cuz tell me, If you weren’t seeking attention then why are you posting things to people you don’t know? And about the "spread positivity " I dunno how you can say that when almost 5 minutes ago you were talking about how your crying.
@Izzyyyyyyy I never said that I was crying and I said spread positivity because people here need it. I got offended because it seemed rude to me, and I’m sorry for getting offended I don’t interact with people a lot in person. Lastly I posted this so people can share their problems if they don’t have anyone to talk to in their lives like me. So you should just get your 12 year old self off my post and act like a kid somewhere else.
zofya406 Wow, " so get ur 12 year old self off" Ok, so! that is rly funny because im 14, and you act like a 6 year old. You think this comment hurts me? Well it doesn’t. Thank you very much.
@Izzyyyyyyy I’m older than you still, and I act more mature than you. Also I didn’t intend for it to hurt you, I was telling you what I thought about you.
zofya406 Also i don’t believe you more mature then me because if you were then you would not be making a post abt u almost crying. And again, lol all i was doing was asking a simple question. And you got offended.
@Izzyyyyyyy Alright. Have a good night.
zofya406 @Izzyyyyyyy Would you two bozos please stop fighting? All Zofya wants to do is to try to help people and help her own mental state.