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Shazz_ XD
i just saw this so got to
@Laws wh-
More than 100 stealth egg attacks baffle one Euclid homeowner and police (photos and video) EUCLID, Ohio – An 85-year-old Euclid man’s home has become the target of mysterious egging attacks that began in March 2014 and haven’t stopped. The continuous onslaught of eggs has baffled police, neighbors and local government officials who have tried and failed to identify the source of the attacks that have ruined the man’s home and kept his family on edge. “The accuracy is phenomenal,” Albert Clemens, Sr. said. “Because almost every time when it’s nice weather and they launch five or six of these at a time, they almost invariably hit the front door.” Clemens green two-story house sits on the corner of Wilmore Avenue and East 210th Street. He and his wife bought the home as newlyweds about 60 years ago. Though his wife has since passed away, Clemens still lives there with his 49-year-old daughter and 51-year-old son. The house has been pelted with eggs several times a week – sometimes more than once a day – for the past year. The attacks always happen after dark and last around 10 minutes each. The family has been awoken as late as 2 a.m. by what sounds like the crack of a gunshot against the aluminum siding or front door. Clemens and police believe the eggs are being launched from a block or two away. The siding on the front of Clemens’ home is destroyed, splattered with dried egg residue that stripped off the paint. Other than a few rogue eggs that hit nearby homes, no other neighbors have been targeted. “Somebody is deeply, deeply angry at somebody in that household for some reason,” Euclid Lt. Mitch Houser said. Winter offered a short respite for the family, as the egging became less frequent during the cold weather. But both Clemens and police anticipate the attacks picking back up as the snow and ice thaw. An unsolved mystery Euclid police have not taken the investigation lightly. They’ve spent a year doing undercover stakeouts, canvassing the neighborhood and even sending eggshells for testing. The department’s entire community policing unit was dedicated to tracking down the eggers at one point. Officers respond quickly to every egging call at the home – which is less than a mile from the police station. Both Clemens and detectives are at a dead end when it comes to suspects. Clemens had suspicions about a young man across the street who confronted him a couple years ago and asked him to stop calling police about suspicious activity in the neighborhood. Clemens said that he had started calling police more often as he noticed more crime – mostly suspected drug activity. Another neighbor Clemens suspected was ruled out when officers saw him standing outside as an attack occurred in the presence of police. Investigators have taken several different approaches to nabbing the eggers, including installing a surveillance camera on the house. Detectives even collected some eggshell samples and tested them in a crime lab. The eggs were traced back to a local Amish farm, but the trail ended there. Clemens says the culprits either have access to a large supply of eggs or are stealing them from businesses that throw them out when they go bad. Detectives have followed this thread, visiting local restaurants and businesses asking about missing eggs. They’ve also tried collecting fingerprints from eggshells, but Houser said that’s an impossible task. When an egg breaks, it releases proteins that destroy DNA. Officers have gone door to door questioning neighbors and handing out fliers. Nobody has come forward with any tips. “The person or people who are doing it have remained very tight-lipped apparently,” Houser said. “I would imagine it would be hard to keep a secret of something that had been done hundreds of times and for nobody to step forward to talk about it.” The guilty parties don’t appear to be intimidated by police interest in the case. An officer last year was taking a report when a barrage of eggs was launched at the house. One hit him in the foot. Houser said he’s never seen this level of vandalism in his 20 years of police work. It’s frustrated the whole department, which has dedicated hundreds of hours toward solving the egging mystery. “The man hours put into that investigation were huge and one of the reasons it’s so frustrating that we don’t have somebody right now that we can criminally charge,” Houser said. The culprits will face charges of felony vandalism and criminal damaging, Houser said. Additional charges could be tacked on if investigators find evidence that the attacks are a hate crime. The search continues Clemens is waiting until the perpetrators are caught before he repairs the tarnished siding. His insurance company is refusing to settle a claim until the guilty party is found. He said he used to clean up after each attack, but it became so frequent that he couldn’t keep up. Police initially offered a $500 reward for information, but bumped it up to $1,000 after nobody came forward. That money is still up for grabs. “We’re not going to let it go,” Houser said. “We’ll continue to put effort into it until we figure something out.” Despite all the torment, Clemens said he’d never consider moving from his beloved home. “I like the neighborhood,” Clemens said. “I like the city of Euclid. I would live and die in this house – but it’s been kind of a nightmare.”
M-Mowe than 100 steawth screams egg attacks baffwe onye Eucwid homeownyew ÚwÚ and p-powice (-(photos and video) (・``ω´・) EUCWID, cries O-Ohio – An 85-yeaw-owd UwU Eucwid man’s home has become ÚwÚ the x3 tawget of mystewious egging attacks that began in Mawch 2014 and haven’t >w< stopped. the runs away continyuous onswaught of eggs walks away has baffwed powice, nyeighbows and wocaw guvwnment officiaws who have twied and faiwed sweats t-to identify the x3 souwce of the x3 attacks that have wuinyed the x3 man’s home and kept walks away his famiwy walks away on edge. "-“The accuwacy blushes is phenyomenyaw,” A-Awbewt Cwemens, Sw. said. “Because awmost walks away evewy time when notices buldge it’s nyice weathew and they waunch five ow (・
ω´・) six of these at a time, they awmost *walks away* invawiabwy hit the x3 fwont doow." Cwemens *whispers to self* gween two-stowy ^-^ house sits on the x3 cownyew of Wiwmowe Avenyue and East 210th (・
ω´・) Stweet. sweats He and his wife bought the x3 home as n-n-nyewwyweds about 60 yeaws ago. Though his wife has since passed huggles tightly away, Cwemens whispers to self stiww wives sees bulge thewe with his 49-yeaw-owd ^w^ daughtew and 51-yeaw-owd s-son. the runs away house has been p-pewted with eggs walks away sevewaw times a week – sometimes mowe than once a day – fow the x3 past notices buldge yeaw. the runs away attacks awways h-happen a-a-aftew dawk huggles tightly and wast awound 10 minyutes each. the runs away famiwy walks away has been a-awoken as wate as 2 a.m. by what sounds wike screams the x3 cwack of a gunshot against the x3 awuminyum siding ow (・ω´・) fwont doow. cwemens *whispers to self* and p-powice b-bewieve the x3 eggs *walks away* awe b-being w-waunched fwom a bwock ow (・
ω´・) two starts twerking away. huggles tightly the runs away siding on the x3 fwont of Cwemens’ home is destwoyed, spwattewed UwU with dwied egg wesidue that stwipped off the x3 paint. Othew than a few wogue eggs walks away that hit nyeawby homes, nyo othew nyeighbows have been tawgeted. UwU “Somebody is deepwy, d-d-deepwy angwy at somebody in that househowd fow some weason,” Eucwid Wt. Mitch Housew said. Wintew offewed a showt OwO wespite fow the x3 famiwy, ÚwÚ as the x3 egging b-became wess ^w^ fwequent duwing the x3 cowd w-weathew. But both Cwemens whispers to self and p-powice anticipate the x3 attacks picking back up as the x3 snyow and ice thaw. sees bulge An unsowved mystewy Eucwid p-powice have nyot taken the x3 i-investigation wightwy. They’ve spent a y-y-yeaw d-d-doing undewcuvw s-stakeouts, canvassing the x3 nyeighbowhood and even OwO s-s-sending eggshewws fow testing. the runs away depawtment’s entiwe communyity ;;w;; powicing unyit was dedicated t-to twacking ;;w;; d-d-down the x3 eggews at onye point. Officews wespond quickwy t-to evewy egging caww at the x3 home – which is wess ^w^ than a miwe fwom the x3 p-powice station. Both Cwemens whispers to self and detectives awe at a dead ^w^ end ;;w;; when notices buldge i-it comes t-to suspects. cwemens whispers to self had suspicions about a young starts twerking man acwoss the x3 s-stweet who confwonted sweats him a coupwe yeaws ago and asked him t-to stop looks at you cawwing p-powice about suspicious activity in the x3 nyeighbowhood. ÚwÚ cwemens whispers to self said that he had stawted cawwing p-powice mowe often as he nyoticed mowe cwime – mostwy suspected dwug activity. walks away Anyothew nyeighbow Cwemens whispers to self suspected was wuwed out when notices buldge officews saw him standing outside as an attack occuwwed in the x3 pwesence of powice. Investigatows have taken sevewaw diffewent appwoaches t-to nyabbing the x3 e-eggews, incwuding instawwing a suwveiwwance camewa on the x3 house. Detectives even OwO cowwected some eggsheww sampwes and tested them in a cwime wab. UwU the runs away eggs walks away wewe twaced back t-to a wocaw A-Amish fawm, but the x3 twaiw ended thewe. cwemens whispers to self says the x3 cuwpwits eithew have access t-to a wawge suppwy of eggs walks away ow (・ω´・) awe steawing ^-^ them fwom businyesses that thwow them out when *notices buldge* they go bad. Detectives have fowwowed this thwead, visiting wocaw westauwants x3 and businyesses asking about missing eggs. They've awso twied cowwecting fingewpwints fwom eggshewws, but Housew said t-t-that's an i-impossibwe task. When an egg b-bweaks, i-it w-w-weweases pwoteins that destwoy DNyA. Officews have gonye doow t-to doow questionying nyeighbows and handing out fwiews. Nyobody has come fowwawd with any OwO tips. "-"The pewson ow (・
ω´・) peopwe who awe d-d-doing i-it have wemainyed vewy tight-wipped a-a-appawentwy,” Housew said. “I w-wouwd imaginye i-it w-wouwd be hawd t-to k-k-keep a secwet of something that had been donye hundweds of times and fow nyobody t-to step fowwawd t-to tawk about it.” The runs away guiwty pawties don’t appeaw t-to be intimidated by p-powice i-intewest in the x3 case. An officew wast y-y-yeaw was taking a wepowt when notices buldge a bawwage of eggs walks away was w-waunched at the x3 house. O-Onye hit him in the x3 foot. Housew said h-h-he’s nyevew seen this wevew of vandawism in his 20 yeaws of p-powice wowk. It’s fwustwated the x3 whowe depawtment, which has dedicated hundweds of houws towawd sowving the x3 egging m-mystewy. "-“The man houws put into that i-investigation wewe huge and onye of the x3 weasons it’s so fwustwating that we notices buldge don’t have somebody wight nyow whispers to self that we notices buldge c-can c-cwiminyawwy chawge,” Housew said. the runs away cuwpwits wiww face chawges of fewony vandawism and cwiminyaw damaging, Housew said. Additionyaw chawges c-couwd be t-tacked on if investigatows find evidence that the x3 attacks awe a hate cwime. the runs away seawch continyues Cwemens whispers to self is waiting untiw the x3 p-p-pewpetwatows awe caught befowe he wepaiws the x3 tawnyished siding. starts twerking His insuwance company is wefusing t-to settwe a cwaim untiw the x3 guiwty pawty is found. He said he used t-to cwean whispers to self up a-a-aftew each attack, but i-it b-became so fwequent that he couwdn’t k-k-keep up. Powice inyitiawwy offewed a $-$500 wewawd >w< fow infowmation, but bumped walks away i-it up t-to $1,000 a-a-aftew nyobody came fowwawd. T-That monyey ^-^ is stiww up fow gwabs. “We’we nyot going t-to wet i-it go,” Housew said. “We’ww OwO continyue screeches t-to put effowt into i-it untiw we notices buldge figuwe something out.” Despite aww the x3 towment, Cwemens whispers to self said h-he’d nyevew considew moving fwom his bewuvd home. ^w^ “I wike screams the x3 nyeighbowhood,” Cwemens whispers to self said. “I wike screams the x3 city of E-Eucwid. I w-wouwd wive and die in this house – but it’s been kind of a nyightmawe.” -
This is a real-ass Google page -
@Laws Oop~
that child is dead
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza fr lmao
@Laws laws istg-
Knox “istg” that elon musk is more like elon susk
@Laws wat
And that my children is how long it took for ur dad to get the milk
@Izzy I’m surprised that this topic still gets posted on, haha.
Oh my gosh I cringe so bad at my past XD