Hunger games! (I'm trying again-)
Toxxic runs away from the Cornucopia.
Lune finds a tank in the Cornucopia.
Tyler battles Bee. Tyler defeats Bee, but decides to spare her life.
Creati battles Dereck. Creati defeats Dereck, but decides to spare his life.
0 cannon shots can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen: -
Creati (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Tyler (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Toxxic (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Bee (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Dereck (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Tyler decides to take a permanent nap.
Lune runs over Creati with his tank, but Creati survives due to her belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Bee stumbles upon a TI-Nspire.
Toxxic tries to break the fourth wall.
Dereck watches WatchMojo for 3 hours.
Creati discovers a chocolate-covered cotton lying on the ground.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Tyler: 0 Kills -
@Creati132 OK WTF-
Creati (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Tyler (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Toxxic (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Bee (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Dereck (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
ThatOneGayMan Pfft-
Lune gets prank called by Dereck.
Creati uses dank memes to kill Toxxic.
Bee gets an ulcer.
Lune receives a Emoji Movie on laserdisc from a sponsor.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Toxxic: 0 Kills -
Creati (Alive): 1 Kill; Injured
Tyler (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Toxxic (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Bee (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Dereck (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Lune receives an anthology of life-changing poems from a sponsor.
Bee places her head between two inconspicuous suspended logs.
Creati gets terminal constipation from chocolate-covered cotton and dies.
Dereck stumbles upon a basketball.
@Creati132 HAH
ThatOneGayMan Stfu
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Creati: 1 Kill -
Creati (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Tyler (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Toxxic (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Bee (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Dereck (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Damn dereck is still alive and healthy-
@Creati132 Mah babe is surviving
ThatOneGayMan Ew-
Lune dies of pure cancer after watching the Emoji Movie.
Bee gets strep throat and dies.