MPPClone Status
As of right now, mppclone’s server seems to be completely unreachable. I currently do not know the reason as to why, although cloudflare is currently going through scheduled maintenance for their system. Linode, the hosting provider that mppclone uses, is also undergoing some issues. However this appears to just apply to “Managed Databases”, so I’m not completely sure of the primary cause at this time. The website still works in offline mode for the time being. Sorry for the inconvenience
@Nitsua peis
scarlet lol my peis broken
@Nitsua It’s okay, I know you’re trying. Good luck :]
@Nitsua ok thank you for letting me know
@Nitsua peis
that_one_menace dam
no more peis :’ (
Thats great, I was wondering what had happened but now that we know answers my question.