tb to when a shooter was on the loose in my town
spidermeow what does tb mean?
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza cuz im slow and i live under a rock
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza throwback :D its kinda like a flashback
spidermeow oh ok
Oh my gosh. Story time
So when I was growing up, I didn’t live in a good neighborhood. Nor a good town. My dad was at school, and we get a call from who we thought was him, but no. It was the town. They left a message saying there was a prison inmate on the loose in our neighborhood. We were scared. We looked out the window and we saw a helicopter flying low above the houses in the dead of the night with their flashlights on. We were dead scared at this point. We hide in our bathroom huddled up, and then we hear someone barge into our house and being really loud. At this point, I thought we were done for. Someone jiggles the bathroom knob and we’re literally holding our breaths hoping they’d go away. They bang more and say to open up. Then we realize something. It’s my dad. My mom opens the door and we explain what was going on. Then we told us he almost got shot before coming back home. After he received the warning from the town, he came to our elderly neighbor to see if she was alright and needed anything. He told us she opened the door with a gun and was about to shoot him down. Luckily nobody died that night and they found the prisoner. But oh my goodness, that was quite the night.
@Duchess . . . Movie ong
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza like when they have them thriller movies or sum but i could imagine how scared u were. cuz i get scared as hell when my mom tells me there’s going to be a tarnado
spidermeow haha, I have about three child molesters in my neighborhood :)
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Ikr… I absolutely do not like those things. I’ve probably had PTSD from the one I delt with when I was 8. It wasn’t bad, nor did it change my life physically. Nothing was damaged, and no one got hurt. But I remember that was the most scared I ever was in that time period of my life. I couldn’t even say the word “tornado” till I was 14. I had a few other really crazy fears tied to that, like…embarrassing ones xD Storms still freak me out a little, but definitely not nearly as much as they used to now that I’m older.
Knox Ugh o.o There’s this one that’s down the road from us. Creepily, he’s on a road called “Sparkle Street” right next to “Luster Lane” (which sounds a way too close to molester lane in my opinion)
@Duchess lol
@Duchess ye
@Duchess lmao it does
@Duchess wherever u live would bne amazing if the creeps didn’t live there
those street names are fabulous ignoring the fact that “luster” sounds close to (mo)lester -
spidermeow my mom was telling me last night how pedos wanna be called pack
spidermeow Yeah. I think the worst part of that is that those streets are next door to a middleschool. And next door to the middle school is a liquor store.
@Duchess i will visit the liquor store