Okay so let's just get this out the way right here right now
If you’re ever talking to me and you tell me to KMS as a joke don’t talk to me anymore I’m blocking you. shit isnt funny
My apologies for my random rant but yeah this just needs to be said
@welmyymelmyy what does KMS mean-??
Suicide isn’t a fucking joke. I wish more people would realize that, and how it’s quite offensive
Because it’s really not funny you never know if somebody is suicidal and if that was their last straw or not and yes it’s a rare chance but it’s just not okay
Kill myself SaM-sAmThEdEmOn
@welmyymelmyy oh well dont do that. u is a good person ^ ^
@welmyymelmyy oh oof
@welmyymelmyy if i had said that in the past im so sorry-
i just say it randomly but now i realize its a problem but yeah super sorry-