See my profile for more info, mainly the first few paragraphs.

Goodbye, at least for a long time.
screaming, crying, throwing up, having a tantrum
i looked at the available fast pass episodes for Nevermore and I saw one titled “season finale”
i swear to god
i’m tired yet my sister couldn’t care less if i’m tired, starts watching a loud youtuber and turns the volume too high, pissing me off on purpose
i’m back (woo)
yeah, idk if anyone remembered but I went on a break for abt a 2-3 weeks (i honestly forgot) and i’m back now
bad news, i’m sick because i had boba at a bad boba place in boston, so that was a great first time for having boba tea 😀👍
i look like i’m not excited whatsoever but i really am
i recently got into the NJHS and i’m shitting myself with joy because it makes april a really R E A L L Y busy month for me and it makes me feel all adult-like and professional >:)anyway, now that you’ve got the context, imma take a 3 week hiatus because i’m already busy with shit
mind you, i will pop in once or twice a week just to check in, but never really talking to anyone though
anyway, i also got accepted into a really good highschool after failing to get in when switching to middle school (and being put in a shit one) sooooo-
also going to be hiatus-ing in the foreseeable future because of thatanyway, aside from that, i will be online in the summer (unless I get banned for doing something stupid as shit), so it won’t be like this for long :D
ALSO, the hiatus goes in effect tomorrow
idk if this is good or bad because i overthink things
so congratulations? -
RE: Tier list :0
when i’m not even on the tier list 😭
it’s okay tho bc i’m not that well known
but i need to know if they like each other or not 🥲 -
RE: Financial Literacy Debate (OPEN FOR DEBATE!)
maybe in situations like that the school district can make it mandatory, but not every school -
RE: Financial Literacy Debate (OPEN FOR DEBATE!)
I define “older” as more mature and well-mannered. if you’re using older in the way the quote was used, then older doesn’t necessarily mean like, older in years.
now, I can’t really debate on this because my school does have a financial literacy class, but i disagree with making kids below the age of 12 (at most) because they’re still in middle school. teens above the age of 14 should be learning financial literacy though, because that’s the age where they can start applying for jobs (in some countries). In my honest opinion, teens above the 15 should start learning financial literacy even more because they will be able to make money at 16 and start making real money and earning real jobs at 18 (at the least).
screaming crying throwing up
istg- i made a yearbook quote and it was just this
im switching states istg 😭