ah yes, another emo boy on mppc lol

i dont think ive ever done a face reveal so here lol
eyeliner i did cuz pog<33
and yes- big eyelashes and eyeliner-- it took too long to do this–
I'm sorry.
To everyone who I’ve ever upset, lost, or have never deserved to have in my life, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I fuck up so much.
i have made a straight boy bisexual
we kissed yesterday [dare]
we made out [he wanted to]
he just called me love in front of our friends
im pretty sure i un-straight-ed him
im like freaking out
ive never really looked at many colleges, but ive looked at this one school a few times, School of Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). They sent me an email offering applications for their summer early college program. I’m freaking out cuz this is one of the best art schools in the country, and i really wanna go. But i cant even afford 2 weeks of the program so my mom would probably say no. I dont talk to my mom about it until tonight, but still, i wanna do this but i cant do shit if i dont have a job. ive gotta figure something out.
kinda just a fuck you (vent/rant)
i genuinely thought i was doing better, i mean my eating is bad, but it always has been. But i stopped crying all the time, my mental state i feel like has been slowly improving. And my bad dreams had become less frequent. But last night was bad. I was very mentally drained, i didnt wanna talk to anyone other than my boyfriend. But this number i dont recognize texted me, n i responded. i mean why wouldnt i respond to a text saying “making sure your not dead”. like, id think any at least half way decent person would respond to that. so i did. they wont tell me who they are. but the bad dreams are back. i hope its not who i think, but atp, i just know it is. and i wish he never texted me. i dont want him in my life. im happy without being told not to kms when i dont wanna
yourlocalFourfrombfb they arent even following you- your following them-
what the fuck.
one of my friends that happens to know a person that genuinely caused me so much harm, is going to prom with them. and its like what the actual fuck. you know what they did. you said youd avoid them. youre so fake. i cant believe this. why did you think that was ok? like did you think it was ok cuz its been years? like no. this person hurt me- and now youre that fucking close? nice to know you didnt believe me either. its cool. ifs fine. take their side cuz i know now you didnt mean those words anyway. its fine. its ok lolz