@X-HEXER-X hey im trying man :( /j

RE: Why the fuck are y'all inactive as fuck. Like fucking exist.
guess a number between 1-30 for no reason
if you guess right idk iโll follow you
RE: why aint no one on anymore
im pretty sure its like
school started for most people
people quit
people got banned
alot of other reasons -
RE: im gonna fucking take my life away and not give two fucks.
๐๐ rylie damn, hope you feel better soon
i miss most of my friends here
there used to be so many of my friends active on here now theres barely any
RE: im gonna fucking take my life away and not give two fucks.
๐๐ rylie i can tell
iโd ask if you were ok but i dunno if you are or not so im gonna ask anyway, are you ok -
RE: im gonna fucking take my life away and not give two fucks.
what the fuck happened here
RE: How Often Do You Love MPP
iโd love it cause of the friends i have here, so alot
RE: yo guys, we touch the sun
idk man sometimes i look at the sun and want to just, feel it yknow
RE: do y'all think in a few years mppclone will be better or worse?
honestly iโll still visit it from time to time, maybe talk to any of my friends that happen to be there like eggshell and shazz, prety much the only reason i still go to it
RE: do y'all think in a few years mppclone will be better or worse?
damn, alot of these are honestly true
do y'all think in a few years mppclone will be better or worse?
I wanna know, Iโm curious