Ominous but on my alt

my side hurts rn
in in imberable pain and feeling like just going to the hospital but i dont want to
RE: So now you're unfriending me with my alt accounts? SO YOURE STEALING MY ACCOUNTS?
@zack and plus im getting banned soon so no point trying anymore
you ever get that feeling that
your laying on your bed and then all of the sudden you get the urge to stand up, and throw yourself on the bed then curl up like a burrito
RE: search [your name]core and show me the first image that pops up
@A38 bro got a phone named after him
RE: what are the units f poetry
@zack The meters are iambs, trochees, spondees, anapests and dactyls. In this document the stressed syllables are marked in boldface type rather than the tradition al “/” and “x.” Each unit of rhythm is called a “foot” of poetry
you might not see this but still