Do not spread rumors, or otherwise false information about other users if you have no substantial proof in an attempt to retaliate, or in general as an argument back.
Doing so will result in a ban.
If you have any questions or concerns, please DM me, here or on discord (@2sola)
Update on rumors.
Off-site drama
Off-site drama is something that we cannot personally handle here. It isn’t our business and realistically isn’t something we care about either.
However, if drama from a different platform makes its way to Forums in the form of public posts, then it will become a problem. Depending on how or why it came here will determine how long a punishment will be. DMing users involved does not count towards this. Dragging users from forums publicly into your off-site drama will result in a punishment.See Finneass’ post, “Keep Personal Issues Personal.” for further information.
Contacting staff for an issue with another user with a situation that happened off-site will result in no punishment.
Basically, keep off-site issues off-site.
RE: The Truth
@alice-miaou the best part is they say he got better, but that can be disproven in two ways
when has he not lied about getting better? he did it to zof, he did it to finn, who says he hasnt done it to rylie? they dated before this and broke up due to this EXACT SHIT and then got back together because he went off on a sob story
if he actually HAS gotten better, that still doesn’t help the fact he’s a sexual harasser and also a sexual assaulter.
RE: give me your opinions
@nova-2 dont advertise offsite links unless relevant to the conversation pls
RE: The Truth
EVIL 2sola am i any better for “”“”“”“doxxing”“”“”“” him? again, up to you
but sexual assault is something you yourself SHOULDNT be endorsing and you being with him while KNOWING of it, shows how fucking IGNORANT you are about this entire situation. you only wanna side with him because you flew too close to the sun to him
shame, on, fucking, you. -
RE: give me your opinions
@nova-2 youre sending links to offsite platforms, plus, i could see it in latest replies :kekw:
RE: Heya Everyone!
Shazz_ even if im not mod anymore i feel like you deserve it shazz, this site was either in need of being nuked or a new light and im glad you get to be the new admin (and staff again lmao)
RE: give me your opinions
EVIL 2sola ok but fr how the hell do you give someone reputation
RE: Misty to step down.
EVIL 2sola said in Misty to step down.:
@Daydream doesnt matter what it is, youre still sitting on your ass all day roleplaying on a site not meant for it, and then ban people because you “dont like them”. seriously, i want bouncer back, then you wouldnt ban people for no fuckn reason.
i want to know the braindead motherfucker that even gave you perms to begin with, and not only that, you also give op to people you DO like, and then THEY abuse it.
RE: Scarlet x Sola One shot
Kaylee Rose Faust you forgot the part where i turned into a motorcycle engine revving up
RE: Moderator Applications are open
like 3 years (around 1.5 on mppc)
every day, at mostly any time (as long as im not busy)
admin in the You Can Chat With This Thing discord server, rank 1 in trr, was mod in skull room, and ex-somebot mod
chill mod, i wont get upset over stupid bs unless its about a serious topic and rules are being broken, starting out id ask other staff about what i should do just so i dont under/overpunish a rule breaker
only punishment on mpp ive received recently are test bans/mutes, around a year ago though i got sitebanned for a few hours for roomban evading, but i havent done it since