But I’m here so, hello

Ngl I absolutely have no idea how I remembered my login
RE: This dude haves an big ass
@JeffMyBeloved biggest ass on the planet, and this shit just happens to me. or depends, is there any other driver on this site?
This dude haves an big ass
By the title I don’t mean just “Big” no nonnoonononnoon… THICK ASS
So I was driving across the city and I found this dude on the streets, he seemed really drunk and I asked him if he was alright but instead of any “okay” or “yeah I’m fine, thanks for asking” the dude literally threw the bottle of glass he was drinking into my car, (it hit the front windscreen and it made serious damage) THIS DUDE THINKS HE CAN JUST DESTROY SOMEONE’S ELSE WINDSCREEN?! he coco-crazy, now I have to pay a lot for this and I wish that dude finds a way out of hell (I really don’t wish it but alright…)
also yes, I beated his ass for that.
I hit 203+ km/h and the police didn't notice
It’s pretty much illegal to travel so fast in wild cities like the one I am right now, luckily I didn’t crash
So I was heading to a party once again, but this time my friends and I were on the car (I am the driver). it was pretty long the distance we had to travel and there’s this point when I did the “funny” and accelerated like a loco, there wasn’t any cars going around so I had to do that to arrive a bit sooner.
My friends won’t be going anymore inside my car after that, rip traumas
RE: is no one worried about rylie?
if i’m not worried about all the accounts that haven’t been online since months or years, I think i will not be worried about this
RE: Brandon being Brandon
@Lusion This is the first part buddy
He was playing with my bro, and he told me he shitted his own pants of making a joke of “farting”
this dude is still on my house after that, help
RE: Is it normal for a 29 year old man to still be joining this kind of things?
holy shit dude, you’re like the oldest on this site
RE: Brandon being Brandon
dude’s older than me and he is still doing this kind of things? hell nah matarfoqer
Brandon being Brandon
So I went home after work, I get in my car. I go to the location. I open the door. and I see Brandon… in the floor, yeah, in the floor. WITH HIS FUCKING PANTS SHITTED ON
After that I was like: This dude is really on my house?
I didn’t mind it at all, he was playing with my lil bro after all
RE: So I decided to go to another party
@Flandre-Scarlet I just tell that I don’t find any person with the opposite gender as I (to the parties that I go) that most of them are quite reasonable why there aren’t any girls
RE: So I decided to go to another party
@Lusion There some friends that I made back in high school, and some that I made on the streets, I highly recommend (if you have contacts with anyone that you really trust) tell 'em if they can meet or find any good party, the one I went today was really shitty (not revealing location since I know what’s gonna happen if I do)
So I decided to go to another party
This time it was far away, some of my homies said it was really nice so I decided to give it a try
here’s an list of things that I hated on that party
- no females
- no good music
- too much lights
- few people
- bad drinks with a lot of alcohol ( at least there was some good snacks )
I’m going to this shitty parties and leaving Brandon with my 'lil bro? I’m bouta smack someone
but yes, that’s life with meluckily this time the DJ didn’t fart on the microphone, else I would quit going to parties for a lot of time
I hated that party too much, I give it a 1/10
I will go to some close to my house next time, so I don’t fucking spend 40 minutes driving to a shitty location
RE: The DJ Farted on the MICROPHONE
@A0x26 That fart was like 3 times louder than his own voice speaking on the mic
RE: The DJ Farted on the MICROPHONE
Kind of hilarious but disgusting, seriously, and this type of people get paid more than me?!?!