@A38 Oh

RE: Talking In Korean Till Someone Gets Mad
Why would someone get mad over you speaking a foreign language ?
QWERTY notes for a short song
t t y u u y t r e e r t t r r t t y u u y t r e e r t r e e
RE: What songs should i learn on piano
JDP_Random Have you heard of Hungarian Rhapsodies ? Or maybe something like Human After All etc
Something I find utterly disgusting
Everyone is disrespectful at my school, I hate it so much. We have a Catalan teacher who comes from Chile and my classmates won’t stop talking, screaming or not giving a fuck about her. She’s old and doesn’t comprehends French really well (which is the language we natively speak), I want it to stop someday, because if that happened then it wouldn’t be a big problem for us or the teacher, and I also cannot concentrate so that’ll help more. But whenever I ask everybody to calm down or actually shut the hell up, they won’t listen. Any tips?
If you have something to share too, feel free