Claim: Admin’s should be able to look at chats.
(Counterclaim: It should be kept as is.)
Admins cannot look at chats as a form of privacy but that should be changed because it will stop pedophiles and ensure a little bit more safety.
As you saw in “The Lav Case,” there was evidence that needed to be discovered. If the admins could see chats, that would eliminate the stress of having to go person-to-person to find details.
Everyone wants to feel safe, and ensuring that admins can see chats provides that sense of safety. Users could tell the admin(s) that something is going on and they could easily see what the problem is.
In conclusion, admins should be able to see users’ chats as to catch pedo’s and ensure safety.
(I’m pretty sure admins can already see chats but I just needed something to write)