@Latte Happiness to me is when you’re at peace with life and yourself. You’re content with your life and what you’ve accomplished, you don’t regret the decisions you made that led up to what you’re doing in your life right now. You’re glad that you have the people that are still and your life and your glad that you met the people that have left your life. You feel like you can continue life without any problems or without anything bothering you. Happiness is an emotion anyone can and will be able to feel in their life even if they don’t think they’ll be able to ever feel happiness. Happiness is all the good memories and learning from the bad memories to make life better, it’s all the good and bad days that people have to endure, it’s being able to do in life and your accomplishments, it’s fighting through all the negativity to find the light at the end of the long tunnel. Happiness can be achieved by anyone in their lifetime. Happiness is always there for people even if they don’t believe it.