You wake up in a pitch black room, Just wind, Covering you up, You start questioning what happened, And the most Not expected thing happens…
You start to choke on something, As you lose consciousness, You pass out for a week coma,
You wake up in a crystal cave, and as you look down, There was blue fur…
You start to feel alright but you looked behind yourself and find a scale-looking tail with crystals on the top of your tail,
As you look around you finally found someone to help you out, But they looked like you and you didn’t know who it was…
He talks to you about the incident and how a person got infected by a creature named ‘Kaiju’ And you are one of them…
He told you advice not to go into the labs or else Humans will target you, And,… at least you won’t expect it, You will die…
So you decided to look around the cave and find some pretty cool crystals, But you found a human, You didn’t know what to expect…
As they approach you they take out their bloody scythe and… ATTACK!
You run faster and faster as they chase up to you like a lion, He told his friends to come and You realize you were seriously Dead…
As you ran you decided to go left into the lab and you made a bad bad mistake…
You ran faster and faster, When you were at 1 HP, You decided to stand there while the humans were far away from you, You thought to yourself, Why are you not fighting back?
You turn around watching as the humans catch up, You look at them, and… ATTACK!!! You grab and scratch as you start to heal, Leaving Infected Humans transferring…
You decided to bring your team in and go inside the lab, You and your team decided to attack as you get hit by bats, scythes, and many weapons.
As blood is dripping, Many people have Got a lot of kills, Leaving only 19 more, As you gain more strength, You decide To take a break…
MHJCBFFCHJUFD98UHNYUD 10 part soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- DTDND