ik this is super random, like who in their right mind would post a forum post about their ADHD at like 2:54 AM, but here I am. soo I have this cool little annoying fucking thing that’s called ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.) for all of you that live under rocks (/j) it means that it’s way hard for me to focus, or sit still for a short period of time. I find more things super boring than the average non-disorder-possessing human being would find boring, and I get bored of things so much easier. I also have thoughts of really bad things like death and killing myself, but more weirdly like I wanna say horrible {{[[racist]]}} words (/srs) except I never say these words. obviously. see, in the span of me typing this very post out at 2:44 AM I have adjusted my sitting posture about 8 times. practicing piano is really hard due to… well… again, me having the average attention span of 0.038 picoseconds, haha. I have written sheet music to play, but I am on the last sheet of my entire book. I have very much progressed from day one! =3. but that’s beyond the point. ADHD greatly decreases my quality of life, due to me having it so severe. I take medicine to reduce it, but guess what? I had to get my ADHD medicine upgraded about 4 times. possibly 5. I know this probs sounds really corny, but if anyone needs someone to talk to, you can talk to me, or anyone in @ADHD-Awareness, @Mental-health-Awareness, @Cozy-Talk, or any of the other awareness groups or talk groups mainly based of therapy or having someone to talk to. I hope this clears things up and answers any questions about ADHD, if you had any. anyway, thanks for reading my gigantic paragraph of irrrelevant shit about me and ADHD!! X3

Izzy Was Here😍👉👈💅🤓😙😘❤️❤️👽🫶🥸👹
Hi. I'm h4lfcr4zy. I do stuff.
just a random gay femboy on the internet! ^_^
dm me about shit idfk-
there should be a fullcr4zy.
just call me h4lfie or h4lf. or w3ird. or tweek. or tweak. or tweekr. or smile. or neutral. or frown. or neco arc. or neco. or arc. or buranyuu. or femboy. or femmy. or fem. or boy. or cr4zy. or crazy. or boy. or kisser. or boykisser. whatever.
always down to roleplay.
sexuality: gay
Gender: femboy
age: no.
Best posts made by boykisser
have I even done an introduction yet (late introduction)
I am h4lfcr4zy, more known as tweek or h4lfie.
I love to play piano, and I’m currently in piano lessons, and piano is just going to be a hobby, not something like a full time job or something.
I have a few fears, SEVERE arachnophobia, small claustrophobia, the fear of someone watching you, and the fear of dying randomly and/or unexpectedly with no warning.
my birthday is in June.
I am also gay, but not many people know this other than people I know in real life.
I love spongebob squarepants, neco arc, south park, melty blood, and the amazing world of gumball.
I’m on roblox almost all the time, and I’m very rarely on mpp.
Favorite drink: pilk.
Favorite food: bacon.
Favorite color: galaxy.
Floofy/MrSci helped me figure out how to get popular on mppc and also how to change my profile picture, and he also helped me get rid of my butterflies when it comes to talking to people I don’t know all that well. He’s not on mppc anymore, sadly.
I have a nickname, but it would reveal my real name, so I won’t put anything here.
according to some people me and Duncan look similar, but I’m the younger version of them.
I have had blue highlights, purple highlights, red highlights, and currently green highlights in my hair.
tried nail polish once but it didn’t work out.
the one administrator I would recommend talking to if you’re new to mppc or mpp and are confused would be Shazz_ (Shazz isn’t an admin anymore, I had forgot. he’s still awesome though.) and @Duchess. Both are very nice and helpful, and they are probably my two favorite people on this forum.
Anyway, that’s just a little bit about myself since I forgot to introduce myself when I first got here, on mppc.~ S
my dog might die
my dog randomly started internally bleeding
he went to the vet, that’s where he was diagnosed with internal bleeding
so yeah
that’s it
if he does die, im 100% leaving the mpp community. I’ll be too depressed to even stay active so
that’s it
✌ -
I think I'm leaving mppc and mpp. (maybe.)
I’m leaving mostly because it’s very hard to keep posting, catch up with stuff and drama, and I just kinda want to leave.
mentions for my fav people
@cracktucker Cursed Cucumber Shazz_ @Duchess and someone else.I will miss everyone here. as stated in the title, I also may or may not be leaving.
~ neco arc, formerly known as h4lfcr4zy.
idk if there’s already a list of tone indicators here, but uhh/j - joking
/hj - half-joking
/s - sarcastic
/gen or /g - genuine
/srs - serious
/nsrs - non-serious
/pos or /pc - positive connotation
/neu - neutral connotation
/neg or /nc - negative connotation
/p - platonic
/r - romantic
/c - copypasta
/l or /ly - lyrics
/lh - light-hearted
/nm - not mad
/lu - a little upset
/nbh - for when you’re vagueposting or venting, but it’s directed at nobody here (none of your followers or anyone on the forum in general)
/nsb - not subtweeting
/sx or /x - sexual intent
/nsx or /nx - non-sexual intent
/rh or /rt - rhetorical question
/t - teasing
/ij - inside joke
/m - metaphorically
/li - literally
/hyp - hyperbole
/f - fake
/th - threat
/cb - clickbait -
im dying !! 😋😋🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🙂🙂🙂☺😉😂😘😘😘😣😣😏🙄🙄😋😋😋😎😍😘😘🤔😣😣😫😫 -
im back :00 (TW: more mentions of self harm, trans mentioned)
i keep going offline and online a lot and im sorry about that
thanks for the
i dont got anything else to do
has anything notable happened while i was gone again
hows ur day
also i partially stopped cutting myself
i keep starting new drama
i stopped trying to kill myself (huzzah)
i probably will in the future, depends (edit, like 4 mins later i said i probs will if my bst friend dont come back)
skbidi rizz!111!
one of my best friends also might be dead so thats cool!!
idk if i’ll live to see if they’re not dead!!
cuz if they dont come back i might just die!!
or kill myself!!
but dont get all stressed abt me
im not as important as a lot of you :DD
so dont worry about me!! i got it handled
i feel like talking about my trans stuff rn!! :cat_smirk:
im trans.
and it’s a ftm (female to male) transition!!11
im a femboy.yeh
i wear a skirt to school sometimes!!1
dont ask about the transition process btw
it makes me very stressed
ok bye now cuties!11 -
RE: Good Morning, MPPC
@Your_Local_Machinist we are the only two people online at the current moment!!
Latest posts made by boykisser
RE: chat im so lonely no one's on rn :pensive:
Raven-Rae ngl dont take this as offensive i havent been on here in a while
i dont rly remember who u are -
ngl shit photo of me
i dont even have highlights anymore bro
absolute shit photo /srs -
RE: that's it.
@Bandit i know. but the fact that im crying over heartbreak and my favourite bracely just broke?
life really sucks right about now.
what even is the point of it, like-/gen