And beside it is a book I got for my birthday titled Mayhem Manual from Gumball!
Self Love
This is a group that encourages self-love and acceptance. So if you are struggling with those things or just want to help out, this is the group for you! (Group will be mentioned when topic is posted about it.)
RE: New Gumball Stickers!
New Gumball Stickers!
I’ve gotten these really really neatt custome stickers from Redbubble! It has almost everything you can think of including anything Gumball which I lovee! -
RE: How is everyonee ❤️
★【♪シBlake Rose。シ♪】★™ I’m doing alrightt :)
And happy to hear thatt Blake - I feel better knowing your doing okayy -
RE: How is everyonee ❤️
Cole The Consumer Of Petrol Oh wow! I’m happy those things have been working out for you! I wish you the very best in your futuree
I’m so happy for youu -
RE: bro these tiktok 'carnivores' be nasty. heres a 'recipe' for 'meat water'
★【♪シBlake Rose。シ♪】★™ as a major carnivore (but omnivore forever) i just wrote a suicide note to this. /joke/nsrs