I’m back after that little misunderstanding! But it’s all okay now :) and I don’t blame anyone ^v^
Yletamitlu, knaht uoy enoyreve!
Iraya - Knaht uoy rof ruoy gnizama noissapmoc dna erac taht uoy erahs htiw enoyreve - uoy'er a eurt noitaripsni, dna uoy reven liaf ot tup selims no enoyreve's secaf :)
Eilyr - Knaht uoy rof gnieb na gnizama dneirf ot lla fo su - uoy era ylurt denimreted ot pleh enoyna htiw gnihtyna, dna I erimda taht noitacided ni uoy. Yats eurt ot flesruoy, dna uoy'll og raf!
PDJ - Knaht uoy rof gnieb na gnizama tseb dneirf - ruo lacisum etsat lliw tsal reverof yddub!
Yzzi - Knaht uoy rof ruoy ssendnik dna tsomtu ssenteews, dna syawla gnieb ereht rof em. Uoy ekam em os yppah ^^
✨ Laiceps Sknaht! ✨
[Tnerruc Etubirt - Enon]
[Tnerruc gnos stseuqer I'm ni eht ssecorp fo gnisiver: Enon]
[Tnerruc gnos stseuqer: Retfa lla setubirt era enod, I nac trats gnikrow no stseuqer ^^]
I evol uoy :)
Uoy evresed erom naht eht dlrow - knaht uoy os hcum rof gnieb ohw uoy era, Erihppas ❤️
On rettam woh gnol ew'll eb rehtegot, rehtehw ti yam eb gnitsal ro reverof, I lliw syawla sserpxe ym evol dna edutitarg sdrawot uoy - on laer sdrow nac mohtaf woh lufknaht I ma ot evah tem hcus a lufrednow, lufthguoht dna detraehdnik gnisselb ekil uoy. Uoy'ev depleh em yllacisyhp dna yllanoitome. Uoy'ev syawla neeb ereht rof trofmoc nehw I deen ti tsom. Uoy'ev edam em eht tseippah nosrep, lla esuaceb fo ruoy evol dna ssengnilliw ot yats htiw em, dna ot niamer enoemos taht serac tuoba ohw I ma, dna ohw I evirts ot eb ta traeh, yllaicepse sdrawot uoy. I ewo uoy os hcum, erom naht I dluoc reve evig kcab.
Raed Erihppas,
Fi I leef ekil uoy deen a lewej fo noitaicerppa, I'll od ym tseb ot wohs taht :)
Ydobyreve sevresed rieht noitaicerppa rof ohw yeht era - I reffo ot sserpxe taht htiw a ydolem fo ytuaeb, gninaem dna evol. A tfig fo a ydolem taht sdnib rehtegot eht nosrep sa a elohw. Ti's ym yaw fo gniyas "Knaht uoy os hcum rof gnieb eht nosrep taht uoy era" ❤️
Fi I wonk eno gniht, taht's eht rewop fo cisum. Cisum si eht thgil fo eht luos, eht roloc fo ytivitaerc. Ti's ereht nehw sdrow elggurts, dna fi uoy flesruoy era gnilggurts htiw gnihtemos, eht rewop fo cisum lliw tfil uoy morf ruoy seenk, gnicselaoc otni ruoy dnim, gnignirb uoy tuo fo eht peed, dna gniretne uoy otni eht thgil ni hcihw uoy erew tnaem ot enihs.
A bulc detacided ot eht Llabmug esihcnarf! Ereh ot erahs dna ssucsid GOWAT tnetnoc, rehtehw hguorht naf-edam tra ro esruocsid, gnirimda siht elbattegrofnu seires :)
Ym Spmis Bulc
Ym Puorg!
"On tca fo ssendnik, on rettam woh llams, si reve detsaw" - Posea
MD em, ro uoy nac ylsuomynona klat ot em ereh
❤️ Fi uoy deen ot tnev, ro fi uoy'er gnileef yllaer nwod tuoba gnihtemos, uoy nac syawla klat ot em ❤️
Tidder - Atsahs_BOLB (MD)
Drocsid - Zzahs_#2816
I ekam lanigiro lacisum snoitisopmoc aiv Talf.oi dna Aisehtnys. Uoy nac tih em pu fi uoy tnaw na cipe desiver noitide fo yna gnos!
Etirovaf retcarahc - Llabmug Nosrettaw!
I evol ot yalp Raga.oi.
Tsinaip fo 11 sraey
Yadhtrib - Yraurbef ht7
EbuTuoy lennahc - AHAzzahS
Best posts made by Shizz_
Heya everyone! ^^
^^ !tranaF epytoeretS llabmuG
): snoitome/sepytoerets s’niwraD dna llabmuG fo senecs deterpretni cinoci eht fo emoS
RE: !trA naF llabmuG yM
ɪɴꜰɪɴᴀ-ᴘʜᴏᴇɴɪx Haha ^^
Maybe you will one day! Just keep hoping for it! ^v^
RE: A little video I found ^w^
@Kim-Seung-minI haven’t been online as much because of school but I’m still here! Haha ^^
♫ cisuM teehS ni srorrE noitatoN
^^ gnitseretni siht dnif thgim uoy loraK@
!tnuoma hgih yrev a llits s’taht tub ,seton ht4201 ylno neeb evah ot desoppus erew dna ,rorre na saw ti yltnerappa tuB .delcric ev’I sa ,smaeb fo tnuoma suolucidir a htiw ,ekil kool yeht tahw ees ot yzarc s’tI !ht6904 ot pu og taht seton yllautca era ereht ,eceip s’hcirnieH fo esac erar siht ni tuB)smaeb 4( seton ht46 ot pu seog ylno dna ,eton eht fo ssentrohs eht stneserper )senil( smaeb fo rebmun eht ,cisum teehs nI
!trA naF llabmuG yM
!tra naF llabmuG tsrif yM
!flesym fo duorp ytterp m’I !nward dnah lla si tser eht tub ,erutcip eliforp ym morf noisserpxe s’llabmuG deipoc I -
RE: How long have you been around in the community?
ecnis reve ytinummoc lufrednow siht fo trapa neeb ev’I dna ,smurof eht ot decudortni erew ew ,retal shtnom elpuoc a ebyam litnu t’nsaw tI .yaw eht gnola modnaR_PDJ@ dneirf doog yrev ym gniteem ,oga sraey elpuoc a ten.onaipreyalpitlum ssorca emac I loraK@
)71( GOWAT ni emarF lausunU
.ahah ,llabmuG no neve t’nera seye eht fo enO
^^ pot a ekil nips mih ekam ot slliks esnefed reh sesu ,etomer a gnilaets morf llabmuG gnitneverp ,elociN erehw enecs A
Latest posts made by Shizz_
RE: A little video I found ^w^
@Kim-Seung-minI haven’t been online as much because of school but I’m still here! Haha ^^
Hello Everyone!! ^^
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, so I’m just checking in on everyone! :)
How are you guys? -
RE: TAWOG Video I Found Cute ❤️
@JulietteFairmontOfficial Aha that’s okay! At least you remember me now ^^