And beside it is a book I got for my birthday titled Mayhem Manual from Gumball!
Therapy needs ❤️
Creater by TTP. This is for the sake of people's mental health. I've been studying psychology for about 6 years . I understand people need help but don't want to seek it. That's why I'm here. I want to help y'all ❤️
RE: New Gumball Stickers!
New Gumball Stickers!
I’ve gotten these really really neatt custome stickers from Redbubble! It has almost everything you can think of including anything Gumball which I lovee! -
RE: How is everyonee ❤️
★【♪シBlake Rose。シ♪】★™ I’m doing alrightt :)
And happy to hear thatt Blake - I feel better knowing your doing okayy -
RE: How is everyonee ❤️
Cole The Consumer Of Petrol Oh wow! I’m happy those things have been working out for you! I wish you the very best in your futuree
I’m so happy for youu -
RE: bro these tiktok 'carnivores' be nasty. heres a 'recipe' for 'meat water'
★【♪シBlake Rose。シ♪】★™ as a major carnivore (but omnivore forever) i just wrote a suicide note to this. /joke/nsrs