mention the person who gave you the nickname(s) you're called
@Duncan-Away I could make a rap song out of every name I’ve ever been called
@Misty do it.
@Duncan-Away remind me tomorrow, 12 MST, I’ll rap when mom and dad leave.
@Misty mention me, i called you fridisk
@Inkfell-72 yes you did
@FinnyWinny therefore
@Inkfell-72 well ill put you there then ._.
@FinnyWinny good < 3
Kaylee Rose Faust uhh lets see…
shitlet, shlatlet, shlagglet, carlit and many more
and idk who gave me the nickname scar first but it was one of yall
@InvalidBandit i gave you bandito burrito-
@InvalidBandit banbutt
@InvalidBandit s a l t
ima use that one bc its me- but its my old acc-
@Me lmao