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@SomeRandomKid jojo’s bizarre adventure
@DREAMY like damn do sum with yo life other then all up in my bissuness
@DREAMY ye even tho i cant do nun abt it AHHH😛
Not_justkys Do something other than call people the N-word online knowing you aren’t black?
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi Oh I know what Jojo bizzare is but I just forgot many things of it.
@SomeRandomKid lol it’s fine
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi Wanna know what’s funny?
@SomeRandomKid what
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi I made a new account that is this right?
@SomeRandomKid mhmm?
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi HoW dId I gEt A 1- fOr My RePuTaTiOn ?
@SomeRandomKid big oof, look at mine
@SomeRandomKid LMFAO
@DREAMY I already know what it is.
@SomeRandomKid 490
@DREAMY -490,
@DREAMY You keep getting down voted for everything that you do.
@DREAMY Not_justkys Guys chill out please - let’s lessen the racism and profanity. Keep your opinions to yourself unless they won’t hurt anyone. : )
@DREAMY did they say they didnt like it _____________________ didnt think so-