Mention someone who you could be on zoom with 4 hours without saying anything and it's not awkward
@claybees_ Duncan
@welmyymelmyy Duncan
my brother Shadow
@Dominic-Hubley Someone8448 @Joey @MrSci @Potatoes
@welmyymelmyy @Izzy @MENACE-TO-SOCIETY girly.kk13 @TheyLuhJay Duncan @claybees_
@X-Cyx-X because slept on zoom before
8 hours was the longest I did and I fell asleep
it was with prince ali -
@MENACE-TO-SOCIETY someone closed my computer last night idk whooo
@CherryPotatouwu and dam
its cool
@MENACE-TO-SOCIETY but i have 0 idea who was in my room
zofya406 one time I was on a call like that for about 13 hours
@Thetruepath lmao
@angel_dust your always listening to music or muted