my sen is lost in this cold world, @Sen WHERE HAVE YOU GONE
@Ditto-2-0 didn’t u see sen’s post, idiot
@Ditto-2-0 Calm down lol, Sen transformed into @Freesia
@Floofy OMG
@O5-6-Cowboy Sup bro.
@O5-6-Cowboy The 39% chance of me coming back hit hard.
@Floofy factz
I breathe carbon dioxide.
@Freesia I would’ve thought you live on Mars but then I realized that you’re just a normal plant-based mutated lizard
@Floofy Congratulations.
@Freesia :0 SNE!
@Ditto-2-0 He doesn’t go by Sen anymore-
@Ditto-2-0 Freebo?
yes, your new nickname, instead of sne it is now freebo