Kaylee Rose Faust
(Quick reminder at this point that what Vivec keeps calling me is racist)
Kaylee Rose Faust
Bro, what even was the reason?
Idk, They are just being rly hostile to me…
Kaylee Rose Faust
That's really fucking messed up. And ur a funny/good person too >:/
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} :D tysm :D that means a lot
Kaylee Rose Faust
Np np
Kaylee Rose Faust ITS TRUE UR WONDERFULL AND I LOVE YOUUUU (platonically ofc)
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} do you have the disc of cords
EVIL 2sola
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} do you do vcs
EVIL 2sola sola i think thats enough bitches for one day lol
EVIL 2sola
EVIL 2sola Pictures taken moments before disaster
Kaylee Rose Faust yup-
scarlet lol the hand sanitizer compels me
scarlet lol
EVIL 2sola S T O P W I T H T H E S A N I T I Z E R
scarlet lol no it funy
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} mf gets high of of 71% alcohol