something we should all agree to stop
@finn-dfw-u ikr, you should be a complete dickhead and a moron to joke about these things, thats why i only say kys non-ironically and with all seriousness
MGC dont even say it seriously ._.
eweryone1!!!1!!1 lets hate on @DaTollCaféOwner 1)!1!!1!1!
Like, not having enough consideration to think about someone elses feelings, its terrible.
tripod i never said it was him.
@finn-dfw-u uuwuwwuwuwuwuwu
tripod its a very general topic, his post just sparked me to say something.
people doing this also makes others feel like they’re just saying that for attention. I personally dealt with this, when I was suicidal, I know people said they were gonna kts for attention, which is why now I feel like sometimes I’m just saying i need help just for attention. it makes ME feel in the wrong and like my feelings aren’t valid just like what @jeff-dfw-no1 said. And it honestly sucks to feel like that.
@Xavier-M Exactly, i feel like im wrong for feelings suicidal because its not serious mos times anymore most of the time its people on tiktok that want attention and views using suicide to push that and no one deserves to feel like that
@finn-dfw-u exactly. :(
@Xavier-M and people are assuming who this post is about but i wont disclose that information
@finn-dfw-u i think I know who it’s about.
@DaTollCaféOwner !!1!1!1!!11!!11!1!1!!11!1!1!1!1!1!!!
tripod its not about him and he blocked me lmao
tripod everyone revolted away from him when he got grounded
@finn-dfw-u wat fr?
tripod well not all the way about him