Deceased student notice
A student at my school has sadly deceased this morning, circumstances and reasons are still unknown to other students. No Obituary has been made. I will keep updates on the matter.
Knox It has not been confirmed but it is still a possibility.
I almost posted “Rest in piss forever miss” like what the hell is wrong with me today ._.
Anyways may the student rest in peace (unless he was a horrible person) and hopefully that Obituary could be done ASAP
@Emory1008 Oh no D:
I’m sorry about that - I can’t imagine any one at my school would end up like that. -
I will attempt to get as much information under her name as i can. They will likely hold an assembly over the matter.
@Emory1008 Rest in peace. May they live on.
@Emory1008 Whoa… It must be tough to have a student pass on. One moment you see them in class and the next, they’re gone. Even if you personally didn’t see them daily, it’s scary to think if you did :( And pretty eary.
@Duchess thats what happend to my best friend in third grade he left for a week and never came back i couldnt cry and people thought i was mean but i started to cry i was just in so much shock
@Emory1008 I’m sorry that happened at your school and I hope everybody recovers from this terrible and unfortunate incident.