Hey guys I'm back
blank two Yeah, I understand. I know that’s wrong for her to do, forcingly at least. You deserve a lot honestly
Nonetheless, I’m really happy to see you back :) -
Shazz_ I’m happy to talk to you shazz 💕
Okay I re installed Instagram. well… Time to restart my career.
If y’all want you can choose what user or come up with one and choose a oc that I made a few hours ago
It’s here if ya can’t find it
blank two Oh my- I’m so sorry to hear that. She shouldn’t force you to do things that you don’t wanna do.
Sapphire!!! well she has this rule if I live in her house I go by her rules…
blank two Mann, I hate that kind of rule. But still. She should still let u have a lil freedom.
blank two Oh my gosh… Firstly, I am so glad you are not suicidal anymore.
I’m very relieved you are back for the time you have here. I was really wondering where you were. I know this might sound like I’m just making things up, but I was actually very worried about you specifically. I had looked at the @Depression-Anxiety-Therapy the other day and it re-reminded me of how you had gone missing. Your final posts were very sad and I was so worried about your well being. I made a post here asking if anyone had seen you, but I unfortunately didn’t get any replies. I’m sorry that your mom treats you this way. Considering your past posts about her, I’m not surprised 1% that she admitted to guilt tripping you.
blank two said in Hey guys I'm back:
She also got mad that I called her a liar, I didn’t even say the word of just said, “I don’t know if that’s true”
Saying you don’t think something’s true doesn’t mean you’re straight up calling someone a liar. It could mean they’re mistaken. Like if I said “California is the largest state in the United States,” it’s not like I’m lying if I didn’t know that Texas is, yknow? Youre mom is probably mistaken about a lot. And from what I’ve read, she lies too.
blank two said in Hey guys I'm back:
she was trying to… Idk the word but make me believe they were bad so I can make better choices in friends or make me believe they were bad so I can feel betrayed
I know precisely what you mean. Like trying to get you to paint the image like they’re the bad guys and she’s just trying to protect you. Yeah, that’s genuinely jacked up. Extremely toxic and manipulative. Has she ever genuinely liked any friend you’ve had? Because I’ll be honest with you, most likely no future friend will make your mom satisfied. That’s just how narcissistic people are (which you mentioned her being a narcissist in the past, right?).
blank two said in Hey guys I'm back:
Ok, so my friends were going to the office and they were demanding to know where I was to even ask my counselor, which is weird because my counselor doesn’t even know them, and they don’t know my counselor, you don’t even know who my counselor is aware he is in the school, so that’s how I knew it was a lie. She told me that they aggressively ask the principal, and they almost got in trouble for it. I thought to myself that that could be a sign that they really care, as I knew that I was suicidal, even though she was telling me "would you really believe your friends of two years over your mother who birthed you?! " she then snatched my glasses off my face breaking the lenses of the frame.
I’m sorry, I…actually can’t believe what I just read. What??? That is absolutely disgusting. I have no words for this besides what the bloody heck is wrong with that woman. How does she even consider herself Christian and make you “cast out your demons” when she’s acting like this?? That makes me so mad honestly.
I am so so sorry you have to fight through this with your mom… I’d seriously like to start talking more with you in dm’s some time. I’d really enjoy it. But if you can’t, I completely understand since I know you’re not supposed to be on here. But let me know if it’s a possibility
Sapphire!!! she also gaslights saying she birthed me
@Duchess I know precisely what you mean. Like trying to get you to paint the image like they’re the bad guys and she’s just trying to protect you. Yeah, that’s genuinely jacked up. Extremely toxic and manipulative. Has she ever genuinely liked any friend you’ve had? Because I’ll be honest with you, most likely no future friend will make your mom satisfied. That’s just how narcissistic people are (which you mentioned her being a narcissist in the past, right?).
**And she says I’m manipulative… **
blank two Well, you’re not. I mean, I might not know you too well but I’m pretty sure you’re not lol. She’s just projecting. She’s the manipulative one, but is projecting onto you that you’re the manipulative. It’s really jacked up for a parent to do.
I spend a lot of time researching manipulative, toxic and narcissistic relationships/parents/family members, so when I hear about someone going through it, I can’t help but want to help.
@Duchess I don’t think there’s much you can do. You can’t send me gender affirming clothes because I don’t check the mail. You can’t call the cops cause I don’t wanna go to the cps.
blank two Oh, I completely understand. The best I can say is to try your best to find things that are neutral to wear. I mean jeans and a t-shirt isnt really girly nor guy-y.
blank two What’s your clothing style, anyways? Like what kind of suits were you talking about
blank two Damn
Sorry about the memory loss, but who are you?
@Duchess a black suit I worn in a post it was more like just a vest, dress pants, and a white button up
blank two Well, my favorite clothing style is businessy like that as well. That doesn’t sound that bad for anyone to wear. I think it’d be quite classy.
@Duchess lol true
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