@Alexandria Yeah, I know about the b’s and d’s thing. Im talking about when people don’t actually get words/letters mixed up and they blame mistakes unrelated to dyslexia, on dyslexia, even if they didn’t have it.
@Alexandria said in “dyslexia”:
@Duchess well not necessarily im dyslexic and dyslexia is a reading and writing disability i know that cause people with dyslexia switch the letter b, d, and p around cause they look so much alike and i do it all the time and its not really us switching it up its our brains that are doing it cause we cant tell the differences between them and it concerted a learning disability not a reading disability i know that cause i had to go to classes for them in elementary to help with it
oh shit, i have dyslexia?
Simply put, if you misspell a word you don’t automatically have dyslexia, if you’ve had a bad day you’re not automatically depressed, if you go from being happy to sad or vice versa you’re not automatically bipolar, etc…
@Duchess i have dyslexia and so does my brother its horrible when you know how to spell something then you spell something but then spell it wrong or when i read everything spaces out and its really hard for me my mum ordered overlays but they never came and soon im getting tinted glasses for my dyslexia
@Duchess my younger brother has it and one of my friends do too
@Duchess dyslexia is a big ready and writing disorder and i get that in school someone spels something wrong and then they say “i might have dyslexia” and everyday i go to school with a yellow tint on my ipad because i have to you Eplatform to read books the rest of my class is doing and its annoying when people joke about ut because they dont really know what its like for people with dyslexia
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 Yeah. I hope people don’t get upset I said it’s not a typing disability. While writing and typing out things are affected by dyslexia, I meant like typos and mistakes don’t all equal dyslexia.
@Duchess ohh ok ok makes more sense now
@Duchess I’ve only just now realised to typos I made 😭🙏
@513 well you have to be diagnosed with it by doctors or child specialists i was diagnosed with child specialists
@Duchess Ohhh i see now lol but yes it is very fucked up on how they do that i mean im not sure if i have anymore do to i was taken out of my special classes in like 5th grade but my mom still thinks i have it and needs help with reading but not a bad as when i was in elementary
@Alexandria At least over time, it gets better.
who the hell would diss alexa thats just cruel
I happen to personally know alexa and shes poggers
yea ive noticed that people do that, occasionally i blame it on my dyslexia, but not all the time,ive had problems with reading and writing since i was little and still struggle with it. i have blamed my dyslexia before when it was a bad mistake and i didnt wanna be made fun of, but i try not to do that anymore
@claybees_ I mean more like people “blame dyslexia” when they don’t even have it. That’s what’s annoying.
@Duchess yea- I hate when people do that too