This is annoying to me in funny ways but
how do u even say that name 😭😭😭 ive been sitting here reading it over and over but my dumb sleepy self cant figure it out 😭😭😭
Ayari the “geance” is the same in both words, but instead of Ven, it’s Von
he he haw
rei pretty funny way to make yourself look dumb btw
Dming me vengeance isn’t gonna work the way you thought
This post is deleted! -
@Capt-Vangeance ohhhhhhhhh makes sense okok
@Capt-Vangeance Whoops
Oooooh this whole time i thought it was pronounced Vanaramasilicationfragicatification
rei no
JDP_Random why, just why lmfao
@Capt-Vangeance i really thought it was vanjance but uh- ur way works
Ayari lol
rei I deleted this, but you can’t make these kinds of comments :I
Im giving a warning right now, but next time, I will have to ban.
@Duchess thank you, I kinda got mad at that and I ment to say something about it