any of the ogs still use this?
They mean people who are well known and have been here for a while
Like, duchess, shazz, calistaa, (New account) laws (Banned) Menace (I think he deleted his account) Ana 🥰, Z, zofya, and other ppl but yea -
Im an OG also
I think I actually introduced Shazz_ to this site -
@Jraco do i count
well i do, but like, this is my new account -.,.-
my very first one was created December 10th 2021
@Izzy I was here
JDP Random Yes! Haha :)
But I think Kennedy Burke had messaged a link on MPP to her account on here, and you and me went and that’s how I came to be, but I think you encouraged me to make an account since you actually made one before me ^^ -
i kind-of was
but at the same time
not really -
Shazz_ long time no see
@laraiia :DD
Heya Lara! ^v^ -
Shazz_ hi, just got out of period 8 and still unhappy because my new science teacher gave me an ick
@laraiia Aw, I’m sorry.
Your teacher gave you an ‘ick’? -
@Izzy I’ve used MPP since like 2014 or so. Took a long break after i got out of highschool, came back for the fun of it, and became a mod.
I’d be surprised if anyone here was active around that time.
Shazz_ very bad one,…….
i defenitly still use it but u prolly dont consider me an og
i still miss my old account