mention an emo
@cyx Shadow
DerpDaFCRGuy he kinda emo tbh
@omgitsfinneas @AnEmo
@YourLocalPansexual END YOURS-
@omgitsfinneas DUSUAKZJSMSLXXK
@JesterPenetrate FROM the bands they listen to
BECAUSE being emo is the type of music you listen to so bleh -
@Thetruepath emo
𝜗𝜚 rylie bro im not emo 🤣
@Thetruepath yes… you are…
𝜗𝜚 rylie bro I’m literally not 💀 I’m wearing a bright rainbow tiedye hoodie
@Thetruepath thats fucking gay but i love it
𝜗𝜚 rylie Yas bro. I’ll show you
@my irl friends
@Thetruepath bet bet