Falnox .Toxic-flower. welcome both, try not to take anyone serious 😂😂 or u will become crazy
theefoxer I’m already crazy >:)
Falnox :o
@Thetruepath thank you lol
Controversy —> Drama —> Fights —> Users delete their accounts or leave for a very long time —> repeat
this is how the site works
@Flandre-Scarlet oh. Interesting.
theefoxer :) they never see it coming
@Flandre-Scarlet hi
Neincraft hallöchen
Falnox Welcome to a “kid friendly” version of twitter
Neincraft based off what I’ve seen. That sounds about right. .
Falnox I like u, have a cookie :D
theefoxer :o cookie. What kind?
Falnox haha now run along and don’t get into any arguments and don’t any documents
Falnox chocolate :3
theefoxer oooo yummy :)
Falnox ^w^