I need friends
@jester-is-a-meme ouch am i not your friend either!?
damn i thought we was friends-…
Ky.Is.High. ash, did i do something to make you stop talking to me?..
@X-Cyx-X you aree indeed
@Michael-Afton-Ig fren
@jester-is-a-meme hm?
@Michael-Afton-Ig F R E N
@jester-is-a-meme okay -w-`
@jester-is-a-meme okay first of all i said you will have to wait. I have to draw it on my phone. and im not okay rn so be pasint.
@Kaya-Rose ah i forgor
I be u bestie
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza sorry cyx already took that place along with micheal
@jester-is-a-meme lol I’ll be the 3rd
@jester-is-a-meme ILL BE YOUR FRIEND : D
@jester-is-a-meme I’ll be your friend XD Do you like ducks?
@Duchess i love ducks
@jester-is-a-meme Ducks are cute : ) Sometimes people eat them for Christmas though.
@Duchess i have a duck