question for mods rq
@Global-Moderators are you allowed to give away your mpp acc? like for example if I were to make a post abt giving away my account, and I dm the person who agreed to take my account the password and user, would that be okay?
No. They should make their own account.
@Sen oh, alright. thank you
@le4vings00nh4lfcr4zy To add onto what Sen said, the reason to not have people give accounts away is 1) it’s a trust reliability. I dont want people to have someone “give away an account” and it just be themselves with an alt account. 2) if you give it to someone on mppc already, now THAT person has an alt account which is not necessary. And 3) even if you gave it to someone not on mppc yet, it is honestly best for that person to just create their own account with their own email and password.