I love my parents
I told my mom I was gonna wear a dress today, she tells me “no, you said you were gonna wear jeans”
I remind her that I told her I changed my mind and she starts to get nasty with my and raise her tone.
Im sitting there telling her otherwise and she goes on a rant again and I just say fuck it and walk awayI can’t even disagree or tell my parents otherwise without them fucking ganging up on me getting mad at me.
@Hexers-Angel Uh. Why do your parents tell you what to wear anyways. Who cares. lol
@Duchess it’s cause I’m going into the city and my mom doesn’t want me to be sexualized, but it really did not warrant being yelled at
@Hexers-Angel As long as the dress is not too short, I dont see a problem wearing a dress instead of jeans. I mean I understand your parents wanting their kid to be modest, but sometimes you got to just let your kids wear what they want. Sometimes it’s just fun to wear a dress.
@Hexers-Angel if u dont look like a stripper its fine