Rate my drawing
@Your-Local-Non-binary : O Oh my gosh, how did you make all those creases actually look like creases! Whoa, this is really nice : ) You should give it a name. Also, I love those sleeves. ❤
@Your-Local-Non-binary Thats better than my printer . (Edit: No torso no child?)
@Your-Local-Non-binary i wish i could draw like you
@Duchess Honestly Idk How I just looked at a picture from google on how to draw sleeves and Used that Cause It matched the shirt well
BlackSheep lmao
scarlet lol You can with a little bit of practice
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Besties with Ana for Life.💖💝🥰 Lee Felix Simps #InLoveForeverr🥰❤️ Stray Kidslast edited by Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Oct 14, 2022, 10:12 PM Oct 15, 2022, 2:11 AM
99 /100
I won’t rate it, because rating art isn’t something I’m good at.
But it looks amazing, keep it up. -
@Your-Local-Non-binary 100 000000/10!!
@Your-Local-Non-binary i ment to reply i guess i didnt tho so 1000000000000/10
@Your-Local-Non-binary Well that’s neat c : Also I love how you did the hair! With the little strands. It looks so natural : ) I don’t know how to make anything look like what I’m actually drawing xD
it looks absolutely gorgeous! i could never draw that well…
Duncan dont doubt urself like thatttt <3
@Anavvs_7 Its okay haha thanks
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Thanks :)
@You_Can_Call_Me_Mommy TYSMMMMM
@Duchess This is actually the first time I drew hair like this besides the other drawing I did
Next time I will draw a Succubus since I am very Intrested in them
Duncan You can If you Believe in yourself and practice :)
Thank you
@Your-Local-Non-binary I would say though maybe um, darken the edge of the hair more? it looks a bit weird without an outline when everything else is so stark in contrast.