best scene ever
@Bandit LMAO
@Gray-Arahashi JUST KISS ALREAD /j/j/j/j/ ((((PLEASE DON’T))))
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@保志久美 I think we’d all prefer if you never posted that.
@Bandit Heheehe 👹
@Gray-Arahashi Sweet nightmares
@保志久美 bruh
@Winnie-the-GIANT-ENEMY-SPIDER I’m giving people nightmares today 👹👹
I have more horrid ships
Now let me be gone for .6 seconds to delete my search history because Cursed ships are now war crimes >:)
@保志久美 i didnt got Nightmare’d so far
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@保志久美 that didnt nightmare me, that are just some gacha pics, with anime characters- since when are u that talented in drawing?
@保志久美 Stop please
@Bandit Okay!
Wubbrle the Wubble... That is not my art
I was shaking and struggling to type
“Cursed ships”
it took me almost 3 days to type it in cringiness
@保志久美 OHH- Yeah i have a clean mind so thats why i didnt get it at first