Helluva Boss OC incoming! Asha the Soul Harvester
This Crow Demon may LOOK harmless, but don’t be fooled; she’s the kind of girl who takes her job as a soul harvester VERY seriously, and anyone who tries to disrupt her or mock her work will be in for a nasty surprise in the form of her scythe.
Luckily, she will only harvest souls of the wicked should she get an order to do so. However, she will leave the souls of the good alone. Whenever she is on the job, she will use her scythe to cut open portals to go into the land of the living. To keep a low profile until she catches her prey, she disguises herself as a human to blend in.
Zeera the Nightmare Jackal's 2nd account me when I insert shadow my oc… they would be friends most likely
Asha:…casually poofs way in a flurry of cawing crows
Zeera the Nightmare Jackal's 2nd account looks good.
S-I-N Thanks!
Shadow a demon friends will a being that’s similar to a grim reaper…i could see that, mhm.
Zeera the Nightmare Jackal's 2nd account no problem, keep up the good work kiddo.
S-I-N :)
Zeera the Nightmare Jackal's 2nd account Considering shadow is also the deity of death