Bro.... (Slight TW.)
@yellow_3to3 (im sorry if i sound like some lawyer but) In this case you’re obviously in the right. That person has no right to do that, Its sexual harassment and shouldnt ask personal stuff because it might be that hes older than he sounds or yall make out to be. You were acting right and calling him a bastard might have give him a realization of his mistakes. HE should be reported instead, NOT YOU. Next time you see or notice another creepy creeper Creep like him go away immediatley. People nowadays on fortnite or in general, :/.
Wubbrle the Wubble said in
In this case you’re obviously in the right. That person has no right to do that, Its sexual harassment and shouldnt ask personal stuff because it might be that hes older than he sounds or yall make out to be.
@yellow_3to3 Because im thinking logical again :)
@yellow_3to3 that’s self defense against sexual harassment I don’t see the issue
@Bandit That’s what I’m saying. But I kinda think I went too far on him. Though, he went way over the line.
Someone send this pedophile to a North Korean labour camp. I’m sorry that you got sexually harassed by this creep.
@yellow_3to3 nah your actions were justified
tea.and.crumpets said in
Someone send this pedophile to a North Korean labour camp.
That actually kinda cracked me up a bit- But for reall
@Bandit said in
Nah your actions were justified
Thank you so much for understanding. I always feel like I go too far on people that I feel like they crossed the line on my limit.
@PaintingRainbows What…The…Fuck