HOLY FUCC I'M BACK YALL (poptart yeeter)
If you can read this, you're gay. hey there baby gorilla
@oopstheregoesmyex hey
If you can read this, you're gay. bitch stay gone /j/j/j//j///j/j/j/j//j///j/j/j/j//j/j/j/j/j/j/j
@yourlocalsanjifan I ALWAYS COME BAC-
If you can read this, you're gay. beats u with a desk
@yourlocalsanjifan shoves u into fredbears mouth
If you can read this, you're gay. uno reverse
@yourlocalsanjifan Springlocks u
@yourlocalsanjifan yuh huh turns u into a minor so william afton can teehee u
If you can read this, you're gay. unminors myself
@yourlocalsanjifan minors u again
If you can read this, you're gay. uno reverse
@yourlocalsanjifan Uno reverse reverse
@yourlocalsanjifan yuh huh
If you can read this, you're gay. said in HOLY FUCC I'M BACK YALL (poptart yeeter):
turns u into a minor
this is insane out of context
If you can read this, you're gay. i dont consent
@yourlocalsanjifan nuh uh