@love-seeker oh alr, what category did you want it changed to? btw I love Maya her videos are always funny
@Bandit uhh videos and real lmao which video is ur favorite if u have one??
@love-seeker I love the Corpse Bride one, 'tis a classic
@Bandit lmao i like “Shrek does your makeup” its so funny got me laughing nonstop its the way she looks and smiles
@love-seeker I needa start watching MORE of her videos they just seem so funny and entertaining
@Bandit lmaoo real sometimes im busy and watch it after but then i fall asleep and video is over
@your_local_carlisle_simp since FOREVERR LMAOO
@love-seeker maya winky is so fucking hilarious
her dracula videos are my favorite
@your_local_carlisle_simp omg so reall lmaooooo
@love-seeker idk how she sees with her eyes closed though, i’d struggle really bad
@your_local_carlisle_simp i mean she prob knows her lines lmao