From all the years I’ve been friends with you today is a very special day for one reason only…
You’re finally 18 years old and I can’t believe you’ve made it this far. You have done nothing but kind in the world and throughout this community and I’m very grateful to have you here; as not only a member but as a friend.
I can’t say how many times you’ve helped me through everything and anything and there’s nothing much I can do but do the same. You’re an amazing person, student, (A VERY TALENTED) pianist, a son, and most of all, a friend. I couldn’t ask you to be anyone else but yourself. Keep up the good work.
I hope you have an amazing day today and I’m so sorry this post isn’t longer like I wanted it to be but I am in the process of making you something to make it up :) -
have an amazing day today and I’m so sorry this
Don’t be sorryy ever! Even just one ‘happy birthday’ is always enough and for you to make a post dedicating it to me means so so muchh moree :)
I appreciate you very very muchh - I love youu Ryliee. You’re so special and you’ll never be forgotten for your care and kindness you give backk -
Flartle Eebo Blerpgar!!!
Shazz_ flartle eebo blerpgar!
Happy birthday shazz!!
flartle eebo blerpgar! bweeble zibbity gip ^u^ Shazz_