bye bye bitch
Ky.Is.High. will a hug make me be mean still?.
xXmidnightXx nu
Ky.Is.High. ok
hugs ky- there now am I still mean -
xXmidnightXx your not gettin ur finger back-
xXmidnightXx -hug back- only a lil bit U-U
@A-Useless-Corpse grows new finger- i needed a new finger anyway
Ky.Is.High. a lil bit well ill take it better than nohtin
xXmidnightXx 0-o wdymbt
xXmidnightXx -w-
Ky.Is.High. well that finger has been hurtin a lot an needed to be broke back in place cuz
[totally didn’t brake it more than once]- -
xXmidnightXx ooop-slay
@A-Useless-Corpse wtaf-
xXmidnightXx ;w;
xXmidnightXx xD
Ky.Is.High. XD