@elliot_satan I was proving a point because they said they dont care about killing babies cuz we already have enough people on the Earth :I
Knox but still saying go kill your self isnt a fucking joke knox thats fucked up man its not cool to you it may be to you but that on you karma will get you one day.
The thing thats going on in my brain rn:
When you have a fight and dont have a good comeback: says nothing
a week later: “but still saying go kill your self isnt a fucking joke knox thats fucked up man its not cool to you it may be to you but that on you karma will get you one day.” -
@elliot_satan mk
Knox block me please block me like now
@elliot_satan Hunni that was towards someone else
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo idc if it was to someone else
id say yes but im matchin wit mikey <3
Ky.Is.High. just shut up about mike its always about “mike this” or “mike that” JUST SHUT UP ABOUT HIM SHUT UP
@elliot_satan lmao k xD
@elliot_satan could u not start anything pls-
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi they a lil madddd xD
Ky.Is.High. Stfu now.
Shadow mmmm make me :/
Ky.Is.High. trust me id do more than that.
Ky.Is.High. Your just a fucking cunt leave my fucking brother alone you bitch maybe if you didnt run your fucking mouth we wouldnt be in this shit
Shadow thats a bit sus :/
@elliot_satan gurlie tf did i say-
Ky.Is.High. Id watch you bleed out is what i mean fucking idiot.
Shadow lol thats fun