You are loved.
The world is horrible and cruel, people hurt each other for fun and ostracize people for no reason… I know I’m not the only one here who can say they’ve contemplated suicide before, at this point it feels like something that’s universal for Gen Z. We are truly in a time where people around the world are suffering more than anyone could ever know.
Know that you are not alone. Talk to someone, talk to multiple people. Call the suicide hotline. Your life has an unalienable value. That means that no matter what you do or how horrible of a person you have been, your life has value at an inherent value. The best stories are the ones where the hero comes from a very low place in life to a very high place. You can be that hero.
You are your worst critic, give yourself some slack. Someone out there cares about you. You are the only one who can be you.
If anything stay alive out of spite against the world and against hatred. Be the one who is strong in the face of an undefeatable situation. Take your life by the reins and become who you are. The world would be worse without your potential!