I am done with this
bro literally admitted to having pics of little girls, can we like send him to jail?
I have all the times he asked me for nudes, and he saved my snapchat info so he can use it against me
zofya406 I got that info too
@ZaZa why?
zofya406 I just have it
@ZaZa please delete it
zofya406 oh I been deleted it
@ZaZa thank you
Lavender Ghost Naw bro give up ur fucked😂😂😂😂😂
Hmm. So, he unintentionally just exposed himself. Quite the silly situation. He has blackmail of you, but just openly stated he has saved pictures of several girls. That’s creepy.
@Freesia yes
I already knew about this beforehand though; Duchess has me informed. Jake from State Farm (MPP guy)? He’s known for this behavior. It’s not just you.
@Freesia wow
I checked those links, they’re either deleted or they never existed.
Duncan my friend and I made him delete them
zofya406 bro is trying so hard to be the “villain of mpp”
at the end of the day hes just some stinky kiddie diddler
whoever said he should be arrested, they’re right
EVIL 2sola yes, he is banned now, and he will never be coming back