Bouncer Bot Suggestion
This is coming from most all of us OPs and Owners in the RP Room, we have people coming to us complaining about being banned for no reason, so suggestion. Ban Reason, it would go as //kickban [Time] [ID] [Reason]
That does sound like a good idea, I think it would be better to have the banning system like that.
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} Its so annoying when some 9 year old goes “Op banned me” like -_-
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} Like bruh- its so annoying cause you got them being banned for a reason-
And then you can also look up in chat-
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} Remember that one kid who’s “mom” came on?
@YLDG i know im not part of this convo but, who?
@yourlocalgreennumbertwo It was a while ago but I think it was Cozy Glow with the heart emotes
@YLDG oh
@yourlocalgreennumbertwo Yeah, we got told to “Let her have her way”
You remember when that one kid came on and claimed that he would take us to court?