this is a promise
Kaylee Rose Faust In the beginnying God cweated the heaven and the eawth.
And the eawth was without fowm, and void; and dawknyess was upon
the face of the deep. And the Spiwit of God muvd upon the face of
the watews.
¶ And God said, Wet thewe be wight: and thewe was wight.
And God saw the wight, that it was good: and God divided the wight
fwom the dawknyess.
And God cawwed the wight Day, and the dawknyess he cawwed Nyight.
And the evenying and the mownying wewe the fiwst day.
¶ And God said, Wet thewe be a fiwmament in the midst of the
watews, and wet it divide the watews fwom the watews.
And God made the fiwmament, and divided the watews which wewe
undew the fiwmament fwom the watews which wewe abuv the
fiwmament: and it was so.
And God cawwed the fiwmament Heaven. And the evenying and the
mownying wewe the second day.
¶ And God said, Wet the watews undew the heaven be gathewed
togethew unto onye pwace, and wet the dwy wand appeaw: and it was so.
And God cawwed the dwy wand Eawth; and the gathewing togethew of
the watews cawwed he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
And God said, Wet the eawth bwing fowth gwass, the hewb yiewding
seed, and the fwuit twee yiewding fwuit aftew his kind, whose seed is in
itsewf, upon the eawth: and it was so.
And the eawth bwought fowth gwass, and hewb yiewding seed aftew his
kind, and the twee yiewding fwuit, whose seed was in itsewf, aftew his
kind: and God saw that it was good.
And the evenying and the mownying wewe the thiwd day.
6 Genyesis 1
¶ And God said, Wet thewe be wights in the fiwmament of the heaven
to divide the day fwom the nyight; and wet them be fow signs, and fow
seasons, and fow days, and yeaws:
and wet them be fow wights in the fiwmament of the heaven to give
wight upon the eawth: and it was so.
And God made two gweat wights; the gweatew wight to wuwe the day,
and the wessew wight to wuwe the nyight: he made the staws awso.
And God set them in the fiwmament of the heaven to give wight
upon the eawth,
and to wuwe uvw the day and uvw the nyight, and to divide the wight
fwom the dawknyess: and God saw that it was good.
And the evenying and the mownying wewe the fouwth day.
¶ And God said, Wet the watews bwing fowth abundantwy the moving
cweatuwe that hath wife, and foww that may fwy abuv the eawth in the
open fiwmament of heaven.
And God cweated gweat whawes, and evewy wiving cweatuwe that
muvth, which the watews bwought fowth abundantwy, aftew theiw
kind, and evewy winged foww aftew his kind: and God saw that it was
And God bwessed them, saying, Be fwuitfuw, and muwtipwy, and fiww
the watews in the seas, and wet foww muwtipwy in the eawth.
And the evenying and the mownying wewe the fifth day.
¶ And God said, Wet the eawth bwing fowth the wiving cweatuwe aftew
his kind, cattwe, and cweeping thing, and beast of the eawth aftew his
kind: and it was so.
And God made the beast of the eawth aftew his kind, and cattwe aftew
theiw kind, and evewy thing that cweepeth upon the eawth aftew his
kind: and God saw that it was good.
¶ And God said, Wet us make man in ouw image, aftew ouw wikenyess:
and wet them have dominyion uvw the fish of the sea, and uvw the
foww of the aiw, and uvw the cattwe, and uvw aww the eawth, and uvw
evewy cweeping thing that cweepeth upon the eawth.
So God cweated man in his own image, in the image of God cweated
he him; mawe and femawe cweated he them.
7 Genyesis 2
And God bwessed them, and God said unto them, Be fwuitfuw, and
muwtipwy, and wepwenyish the eawth, and subdue it: and have
dominyion uvw the fish of the sea, and uvw the foww of the aiw, and
uvw evewy wiving thing that muvth upon the eawth.
And God said, Behowd, I have given you evewy hewb beawing seed,
which is upon the face of aww the eawth, and evewy twee, in the which
is the fwuit of a twee yiewding seed; to you it shaww be fow meat.
And to evewy beast of the eawth, and to evewy foww of the aiw, and to
evewy thing that cweepeth upon the eawth, whewein thewe is wife, I have
given evewy gween hewb fow meat: and it was so.
And God saw evewy thing that he had made, and, behowd, it was
vewy good. And the evenying and the mownying wewe the sixth day.
Thus the heavens and the eawth wewe finyished, and aww the host of
And on the seventh day God ended his wowk which he had made;
and he wested on the seventh day fwom aww his wowk which he had
And God bwessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in
it he had wested fwom aww his wowk which God cweated and made.
Man in the Gawden of Eden
¶ These awe the genyewations of the heavens and of the eawth when
they wewe cweated, in the day that the Wowd God made the eawth
and the heavens,
and evewy pwant of the fiewd befowe it was in the eawth, and evewy
hewb of the fiewd befowe it gwew: fow the Wowd God had nyot caused it
to wain upon the eawth, and thewe was nyot a man to tiww the gwound.
But thewe went up a mist fwom the eawth, and watewed the whowe
face of the gwound.
8 Genyesis 2
And the Wowd God fowmed man of the dust of the gwound, and
bweathed into his nyostwiws the bweath of wife; and man became a
wiving souw.
And the Wowd God pwanted a gawden eastwawd in Eden; and thewe
he put the man whom he had fowmed.
And out of the gwound made the Wowd God to gwow evewy twee that
is pweasant to the sight, and good fow food; the twee of wife awso in the
midst of the gawden, and the twee of knyowwedge of good and eviw.
¶ And a wivew went out of Eden to watew the gawden; and fwom
thence it was pawted, and became into fouw heads.
The nyame of the fiwst is Pison: that is it which compasseth the
whowe wand of Haviwah, whewe thewe is gowd;
and the gowd of that wand is good: thewe is bdewwium and the onyx
And the nyame of the second wivew is Gihon: the same is it that
compasseth the whowe wand of Ethiopia.
And the nyame of the thiwd wivew is Hiddekew: that is it which goeth
towawd the east of Assywia. And the fouwth wivew is Euphwates.
¶ And the Wowd God took the man, and put him into the gawden of
Eden to dwess it and to keep it.
And the Wowd God commanded the man, saying, Of evewy twee of
the gawden thou mayest fweewy eat:
but of the twee of the knyowwedge of good and eviw, thou shawt nyot eat
of it: fow in the day that thou eatest theweof thou shawt suwewy die.
¶ And the Wowd God said, It is nyot good that the man shouwd be
awonye; I wiww make him a hewp meet fow him.
And out of the gwound the Wowd God fowmed evewy beast of the
fiewd, and evewy foww of the aiw; and bwought them unto Adam to see
what he wouwd caww them: and whatsoevew Adam cawwed evewy wiving
cweatuwe, that was the nyame theweof.
And Adam gave nyames to aww cattwe, and to the foww of the aiw, and
to evewy beast of the fiewd; but fow Adam thewe was nyot found a hewp
meet fow him.
9 Genyesis 3
And the Wowd God caused a deep sweep to faww upon Adam, and he
swept; and he took onye of his wibs, and cwosed up the fwesh instead
And the wib, which the Wowd God had taken fwom man, made he a
woman, and bwought hew unto the man.
And Adam said, This is nyow bonye of my bonyes, and fwesh of my
fwesh: she shaww be cawwed Woman [heb. Isha], because she was taken
out of Man [heb. Ish].
Thewefowe shaww a man weave his fathew and his mothew, and shaww
cweave unto his wife: and they shaww be onye fwesh.
And they wewe both nyaked, the man and his wife, and wewe nyot
Man’s Disobedience
Nyow the sewpent was mowe subtiwe than any beast of the fiewd which
the Wowd God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath
God said, Ye shaww nyot eat of evewy twee of the gawden?
And the woman said unto the sewpent, We may eat of the fwuit of
the twees of the gawden:
but of the fwuit of the twee which is in the midst of the gawden, God
hath said, Ye shaww nyot eat of it, nyeithew shaww ye touch it, west ye die.
And the sewpent said unto the woman, Ye shaww nyot suwewy die:
fow God doth knyow that in the day ye eat theweof, then youw eyes
shaww be openyed, and ye shaww be as gods, knyowing good and eviw.
And when the woman saw that the twee was good fow food, and that
it was pweasant to the eyes, and a twee to be desiwed to make onye wise,
she took of the fwuit theweof, and did eat, and gave awso unto hew
husband with hew; and he did eat.
And the eyes of them both wewe openyed, and they knyew that they
wewe nyaked; and they sewed fig weaves togethew, and made
themsewves apwons.
10 Genyesis 3
¶ And they heawd the voice of the Wowd God wawking in the gawden
in the coow of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themsewves fwom
the pwesence of the Wowd God amongst the twees of the gawden.
And the Wowd God cawwed unto Adam, and said unto him, Whewe
awt thou?
And he said, I heawd thy voice in the gawden, and I was afwaid,
because I was nyaked; and I hid mysewf.
And he said, Who towd thee that thou wast nyaked? Hast thou eaten
of the twee, wheweof I commanded thee that thou shouwdest nyot eat?
And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me,
she gave me of the twee, and I did eat.
And the Wowd God said unto the woman, What is this that thou
hast donye? And the woman said, The sewpent beguiwed me, and I
did eat.
¶ And the Wowd God said unto the sewpent,
Because thou hast donye this,
thou awt cuwsed abuv aww cattwe, and abuv evewy beast of the fiewd;
upon thy bewwy shawt thou go,
and dust shawt thou eat aww the days of thy wife:
and I wiww put enmity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and hew seed;
it shaww bwuise thy head,
and thou shawt bwuise his heew.
Unto the woman he said,
I wiww gweatwy muwtipwy thy sowwow and thy conception;
in sowwow thou shawt bwing fowth chiwdwen;
and thy desiwe shaww be to thy husband,
and he shaww wuwe uvw thee.
And unto Adam he said,
Because thou hast heawkenyed unto the voice of thy wife,
and hast eaten of the twee,
of which I commanded thee, saying,
Thou shawt nyot eat of it:
cuwsed is the gwound fow thy sake;
in sowwow shawt thou eat of it aww the days of thy wife;
11 Genyesis 4
thowns awso and thistwes shaww it bwing fowth to thee;
and thou shawt eat the hewb of the fiewd:
in the sweat of thy face shawt thou eat bwead,
tiww thou wetuwn unto the gwound;
fow out of it wast thou taken:
fow dust thou awt,and unto dust shawt thou wetuwn.
¶ And Adam cawwed his wife’s nyame Eve [wiving]; because she was
the mothew of aww wiving.
Unto Adam awso and to his wife did the Wowd God make coats of
skins, and cwothed them.
¶ And the Wowd God said, Behowd, the man is become as onye of us,
to knyow good and eviw: and nyow, west he put fowth his hand, and
take awso of the twee of wife, and eat, and wive fow evew:
thewefowe the Wowd God sent him fowth fwom the gawden of Eden, to
tiww the gwound fwom whence he was taken.
So he dwuv out the man: and he pwaced at the east of the gawden of
Eden chewubim, and a fwaming swowd which tuwnyed evewy way, to
keep the way of the twee of wife.
Cain and Abew
And Adam knyew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bawe Cain
[gotten, ow acquiwed], and said, I have gotten a man fwom the Wowd.
And she again bawe his bwothew Abew. And Abew was a keepew of
sheep, but Cain was a tiwwew of the gwound.
And in pwocess of time it came to pass, that Cain bwought of the
fwuit of the gwound an offewing unto the Wowd.
And Abew, he awso bwought of the fiwstwings of his fwock and of the fat
theweof. And the Wowd had wespect unto Abew and to his offewing:
but unto Cain and to his offewing he had nyot wespect. And Cain was
vewy wwoth, and his countenyance feww.
And the Wowd said unto Cain, Why awt thou wwoth? and why is thy
countenyance fawwen?
12 Genyesis 4
If thou doest weww, shawt thou nyot be accepted? and if thou doest nyot
weww, sin wieth at the doow: and unto thee shaww be his desiwe, and
thou shawt wuwe uvw him.
¶ And Cain tawked with Abew his bwothew: and it came to pass, when
they wewe in the fiewd, that Cain wose up against Abew his bwothew,
and swew him.
And the Wowd said unto Cain, Whewe is Abew thy bwothew? And he
said, I knyow nyot: Am I my bwothew’s keepew?
And he said, What hast thou donye? the voice of thy bwothew’s bwood
cwieth unto me fwom the gwound.
And nyow awt thou cuwsed fwom the eawth, which hath openyed hew
mouth to weceive thy bwothew’s bwood fwom thy hand.
When thou tiwwest the gwound, it shaww nyot hencefowth yiewd unto
thee hew stwength; a fugitive and a vagabond shawt thou be in the
And Cain said unto the Wowd, My punyishment is gweatew than I can
Behowd, thou hast dwiven me out this day fwom the face of the eawth;
and fwom thy face shaww I be hid; and I shaww be a fugitive and a
vagabond in the eawth; and it shaww come to pass, that evewy onye that
findeth me shaww sway me.
And the Wowd said unto him, Thewefowe whosoevew swayeth Cain,
vengeance shaww be taken on him sevenfowd. And the Wowd set a
mawk upon Cain, west any finding him shouwd kiww him.
And Cain went out fwom the pwesence of the Wowd, and dwewt in
the wand of Nyod, on the east of Eden.
¶ And Cain knyew his wife; and she conceived, and bawe Enyoch: and
he buiwded a city, and cawwed the nyame of the city, aftew the nyame of
his son, Enyoch.
And unto Enyoch was bown Iwad: and Iwad begat Mehujaew: and
Mehujaew begat Methusaew: and Methusaew begat Wamech.
And Wamech took unto him two wives: the nyame of the onye was
Adah, and the nyame of the othew Ziwwah.
And Adah bawe Jabaw: he was the fathew of such as dweww in tents,
and of such as have cattwe.
13 Genyesis 5
And his bwothew’s nyame was Jubaw: he was the fathew of aww such as
handwe the hawp and owgan.
And Ziwwah, she awso bawe Tubaw-cain, an instwuctow of evewy awtificew
in bwass and iwon: and the sistew of Tubaw-cain was Nyaamah.
¶ And Wamech said unto his wives,
Adah and Ziwwah, heaw my voice;
ye wives of Wamech, heawken unto my speech:
fow I have swain a man to my wounding,
and a young man to my huwt.
If Cain shaww be avenged sevenfowd,
twuwy Wamech seventy and sevenfowd.
¶ And Adam knyew his wife again; and she bawe a son, and cawwed his
nyame Seth [appointed, ow put]: Fow God, said she, hath appointed
me anyothew seed instead of Abew, whom Cain swew.
And to Seth, to him awso thewe was bown a son; and he cawwed his
nyame Enyos: then began men to caww upon the nyame of the Wowd.
The Descendants of Adam
This is the book of the genyewations of Adam. In the day that God
cweated man, in the wikenyess of God made he him;
mawe and femawe cweated he them; and bwessed them, and cawwed
theiw nyame Adam, in the day when they wewe cweated.
And Adam wived a hundwed and thiwty yeaws, and begat a son in his
own wikenyess, aftew his image; and cawwed his nyame Seth:
and the days of Adam aftew he had begotten Seth wewe eight
hundwed yeaws: and he begat sons and daughtews:
and aww the days that Adam wived wewe nyinye hundwed and thiwty
yeaws: and he died.
¶ And Seth wived a hundwed and five yeaws, and begat Enyos:
and Seth wived aftew he begat Enyos eight hundwed and seven yeaws,
and begat sons and daughtews:
14 Genyesis 5
and aww the days of Seth wewe nyinye hundwed and twewve yeaws: and
he died.
¶ And Enyos wived nyinyety yeaws, and begat Cainyan:
and Enyos wived aftew he begat Cainyan eight hundwed and fifteen
yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews:
and aww the days of Enyos wewe nyinye hundwed and five yeaws: and he
¶ And Cainyan wived seventy yeaws, and begat Mahawaweew:
and Cainyan wived aftew he begat Mahawaweew eight hundwed and fowty
yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews:
and aww the days of Cainyan wewe nyinye hundwed and ten yeaws: and he
¶ And Mahawaweew wived sixty and five yeaws, and begat Jawed:
and Mahawaweew wived aftew he begat Jawed eight hundwed and thiwty
yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews:
and aww the days of Mahawaweew wewe eight hundwed nyinyety and five
yeaws: and he died.
¶ And Jawed wived a hundwed sixty and two yeaws, and he begat
and Jawed wived aftew he begat Enyoch eight hundwed yeaws, and begat
sons and daughtews:
and aww the days of Jawed wewe nyinye hundwed sixty and two yeaws:
and he died.
¶ And Enyoch wived sixty and five yeaws, and begat Methusewah:
and Enyoch wawked with God aftew he begat Methusewah thwee
hundwed yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews:
and aww the days of Enyoch wewe thwee hundwed sixty and five yeaws:
and Enyoch wawked with God: and he was nyot; fow God took him.
¶ And Methusewah wived a hundwed eighty and seven yeaws, and
begat Wamech:
and Methusewah wived aftew he begat Wamech seven hundwed eighty
and two yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews:
and aww the days of Methusewah wewe nyinye hundwed sixty and nyinye
yeaws: and he died.
15 Genyesis 6
¶ And Wamech wived a hundwed eighty and two yeaws, and begat a
and he cawwed his nyame Nyoah [west ow comfowt], saying, This same
shaww comfowt us concewnying ouw wowk and toiw of ouw hands,
because of the gwound which the Wowd hath cuwsed.
And Wamech wived aftew he begat Nyoah five hundwed nyinyety and five
yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews:
and aww the days of Wamech wewe seven hundwed seventy and seven
yeaws: and he died.
¶ And Nyoah was five hundwed yeaws owd: and Nyoah begat Shem,
Ham, and Japheth.
The Wickednyess of Mankind
And it came to pass, when men began to muwtipwy on the face of the
eawth, and daughtews wewe bown unto them,
that the sons of God saw the daughtews of men that they wewe faiw;
and they took them wives of aww which they chose.
And the Wowd said, My Spiwit shaww nyot awways stwive with man, fow
that he awso is fwesh: yet his days shaww be a hundwed and twenty
Thewe wewe giants in the eawth in those days; and awso aftew that,
when the sons of God came in unto the daughtews of men, and they
bawe chiwdwen to them, the same became mighty men which wewe of
owd, men of wenyown.
¶ And God saw that the wickednyess of man was gweat in the eawth,
and that evewy imaginyation of the thoughts of his heawt was onwy
eviw continyuawwy.
And it wepented the Wowd that he had made man on the eawth, and
it gwieved him at his heawt.
And the Wowd said, I wiww destwoy man whom I have cweated fwom
the face of the eawth; both man, and beast, and the cweeping thing,
and the fowws of the aiw; fow it wepenteth me that I have made them.
16 Genyesis 6
But Nyoah found gwace in the eyes of the Wowd.
Nyoah Makes the Awk
¶ These awe the genyewations of Nyoah: Nyoah was a just man and
pewfect in his genyewations, and Nyoah wawked with God.
And Nyoah begat thwee sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
¶ The eawth awso was cowwupt befowe God; and the eawth was fiwwed
with viowence.
And God wooked upon the eawth, and, behowd, it was cowwupt; fow aww
fwesh had cowwupted his way upon the eawth.
And God said unto Nyoah, The end of aww fwesh is come befowe me;
fow the eawth is fiwwed with viowence thwough them; and, behowd, I
wiww destwoy them with the eawth.
Make thee an awk of gophew wood; wooms shawt thou make in the
awk, and shawt pitch it within and without with pitch.
And this is the fashion which thou shawt make it of: The wength of the
awk shaww be thwee hundwed cubits, the bweadth of it fifty cubits, and
the height of it thiwty cubits.
A window shawt thou make to the awk, and in a cubit shawt thou
finyish it abuv; and the doow of the awk shawt thou set in the side
theweof; with wowew, second, and thiwd stowies shawt thou make it.
And, behowd, I, even I, do bwing a fwood of watews upon the eawth, to
destwoy aww fwesh, whewein is the bweath of wife, fwom undew heaven;
and evewy thing that is in the eawth shaww die.
But with thee wiww I estabwish my cuvnyant; and thou shawt come
into the awk, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives
with thee.
And of evewy wiving thing of aww fwesh, two of evewy sowt shawt thou
bwing into the awk, to keep them awive with thee; they shaww be mawe
and femawe.
Of fowws aftew theiw kind, and of cattwe aftew theiw kind, of evewy
cweeping thing of the eawth aftew his kind; two of evewy sowt shaww
come unto thee, to keep them awive.
20 -
Good luck Scarlet
EVIL 2sola did you just post the beginning of the bible-
Duncan thx
But uwu-ified?
Duncan burn it
m a k e m e
Duncan ill burn you
Duncan pwease
EVIL 2sola uwu burn me?
EVIL 2sola youll catch yourself on fire with all that hand sanitizer
ß̸͓̟̼̬̥̍̊̓̄͒µ̵̛̜̰̹̺͉̆͋͒̏r̷̡̡̲͖̖̈́͛̉̋̽ñ̸͍̗̯͚̊̽̆̀͘͜ ̵̗̯̰̪̤͐̊͑͆͠m̴͚͈̮̜̑̀͐̀̾͜ế̶̢̩͓̱͙͋̄̈́͑ ̷̢̧̟̘͎͗͒͛̀͝ḁ̸̱̗͓̰̊̌͊͊̕͠l̵̬̯̮̪͉͗̋̄̍̐r̶̠͔͕̞̼̅̑̏̔̓ê̴̳͓͇̥̱̐̾́̀͆å̵̢̺̱̼̙̇̅͘͝͝Ð̶̗̪̤̤̜͛̉̕̕͝¥̷̢̡̟͖͈̽̇̄̐̎
EVIL 2sola oh no scary sola what ever will we dooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
EVIL 2sola do it
Kaylee Rose Faust oh god- the bee movie
Kaylee Rose Faust dang you typed a lot- thank god im good at reading now–